OK now I have seen some Vs. reports and the all $uck!!! Arcanine
better?!?! Elm better?!?! So now I will do the right V.S.ing.

Arcanine V.S. Ninetails

Arcanine 100 hp, Ninetails 80 hp.

Arcanine wins 1

First attack: Lure vs flamethrower

Lure cc Switch te defending pokemon with one on their bench. Awsome a biult
in gust! (A water active? Lure out a different pokemon to kill before it
kills you!)

Flamethrower FFC 50 Discard 1 F energy in order to use this attack. (Then
opponent sers, and its screwed)

I would say this is in ninetails favor Nintails wins 1

Second attacks

Take down FFCC 80
does 30 to itself (They may think 30 is nothing but your just giving yourself
a deathwish)

Fire blast FFFF 80
Discard two F in order to use this attack. (Just two? not bad. after a fire
blast lure out a pokemon with high retreat and no energy and power yourself

This is in ninetails favor I would say Ninetails win 2

Ninetails C
Arcanine CCC

Look at that! Nintails can hit hard and run easier! Nintails wins!!

Here is a good deck with ninetails
3 vulpix
2 ninetails
3 Blane's vulpix (Any kind is fine)
2 blane's Ninetails
3 fossil magmar
3 scyther
3 oak
2 bill
2 traps
2 sneaks
3 eco gym
2 blanes gym
2 nightly
2 no removal gym
2 lass
3 itemfinder
3 dce
15 fire
    Now to my next V.S.s

Elm V.S oak

Elm: Shuffle your hand into your deck. Then draw 7 cards. You may not use any
more trainers this turn.
(What was wizards smoking when they made this? If you have a trapper deck or
a speed deck This is not the card for you. If you are lame and have a crappy
deck this is the card for you!

Oak: Discard your hand. Then draw 7 cards. Its not as bad as you think.
Itemfinder, and nightly can get your cards back.

Oak wins.

I hope I have Proves my point. Bye now! -Kag  Kag1tv@aol.com