Hey Pojo!
Just a thought on healing our beloved Poke's that have taken damage during
our hard fought battles.  There is a dude at  my league that I play every
week.  He has made some pretty good (Original) decks but in the end I win
more than lose.   Anyhow,  two cards that are common in ALL of his decks are
Potions and Super Potions.   Boy are these things annoying!!  By the way,  I
make up my own, unique decks to play with.  This makes the game so much more
fun.  Sure I have made and still have the typical "Wiggly",  "Rain Dance" and
"Haymaker/Buzz/Chan"  decks but I use these to test my originals or just to
beat the slop out of some punk.    ANYHOW, back to the intent of this letter.
 With the introduction of Gold berry from Neo, I decided to make a REALLY
annoying deck using the berries, potions and super potions.   I put these in
a psychic/colorless deck and boy, oh boy is it annoying and fun (for me at
least).  Put 4 Gold berries, 4 potions, 4 super potions (for those slow in
math, that's 400 damage points or 40 damage counters that you can remove!!!) 
in the mix with Energy removals, Super energy removals, Chansey, Kangaskan, 
Movie Mewtwo and of course Miltank (for milk drink, if you get in a bind) 
and you have the recipe for some fun.  You opponent will try to beat the crap
out of your Pokes but all that damage just disappears.  I used just 2
Chansey's and double edged, then healed to draw 5 prizes before my opponent
decked himself.  In  fact, one time I double edged a fully powered Blastoise,
 gold berry then kicked in and took away four damage counters leaving Chansey
with 4 counters on her.  Blastoise then hydo-pumped me for sixty.  My next
turn I used a potion and a super potion then laid down another gold berry =
no damage on Chansey ... and double edged again...one KO'd Blastoise!!  He!!
He!!   Boy was he wizzed off. 

Anyhow, for those who are whining their @$$ off about how the game sucks or
has become boring,  dust off the shoe box and try some other cards!  If there
are a couple of annoying kids at league that think RSA, Rocket Trap, Wiggly,
Scyther and Buzz are the only five cards out there, well..just stay away from
them or do what I do...annoy them with something ORIGINAL.

Keith Varner
Comments, questions are welcome.