Hi pojo,
poketiger here and i was looking over my gym challange binder and i found a
good combo that i think that i might share with you.

      Blanes charizard wich is a kinda confusing card basicly says discard
all fire energy attached to blanes charizard does 20 damage plus 20 more
damage for each fire energy attached. so if you had 2 fire it would do 60 and
with 1 it would do 40. anyway the whole point of the deck is to repeditivly
do 40 each turn and an accasional blane to do 60.  the combo is you do 40 a
turn for a wile and when he has 60 or more damage on him you pokecenter than
attach a fire and continue to do 40, and when u run out of energys just use a
ser (Super energy retreieval) and that is 4 more turns of 40 damage!!

anyway i hope you guys try this just for fun  (ps please no hatemail or
anything else negative)

see ya Poketiger  emal me at dylan6699@aol.com thanx