Hey, whassup all you Lugia lovers. (I'm not one myself but I decided to give you a tip)
  First you have out Lt. Surge's Electabuzz (Electric Current, 60HP) you attach an energy and use charge. On your next turn you put Lugia on your bench, use (energy search, computer search, misty's tears, etc.) to get a fire or water energy if you don't already have one in your hand. Attach it to Lugia. Use Electric Current to attach a lightning energy to Lugia. Finally, search to get a fire/water energy and attach it to Lugia. Retreat Lt. Surge's Electabuzz and Elemental Blast away!!!
OPTIONAL: Play No Removal Gym, Rocket's Sneak attack, or Lass to stop Energy Removal. Also have a Scoop Up ready for Lugia. Energy Retrieval should work well to repeat this combo.

        Send all hate mail, love mail, pizza deliveries, marriage proposals, classified information and The Better Mousetraps to: Jarrod_joe@edmail.com
      -Mystic Water

Tip: If you talk to me telepathically, you shouldn't be reading my tips.