(Pokemon Science lab)
              Holy Sock: Hello all you pojopeoples, ya know, my techs have been studying the two abra families an...
              Mew Sock: Sheesh, they study everything but the kitchen sink!
              Holy Sock: Not to mention that yesterday, they were studying the kitchen sink.
              Mew Sock: *Sweatdrop*
             Holy Sock: alright, enough with the useless babble, on to the cards (Please note that I rate all versions of a card)
               Abra (Base)
               30 HP
               P Psyshock: Flip a (Mew Sock: coin if heads, it's paralyzed, no retreat, we know the drill)
              Holy Sock: Shut up, even though it's as obvious as Charmander being weak to water.
              Mew Sock: Maybe some people don't know that.
               Holy Sock: Yeah, like that 162-card-deck idiot that Spike and his Vulpix bashed.
              Mew Sock Fine, I'll shut up now, but gimme the rating thanks to the fact that u wasted all
              of our comments space.
              Holy Sock: Hey it's not my fault! U started it, but here the rating: 4/10
              Mew Sock: Since Rocket Abra's stats are so obivous, we'll just skip to the comments
              Holy Sock: No we won't. Ok, here's Rocket Abra.
                       Abra (Rocket)(Duh)
                    40 HP
               P Vanish: Shuffle (Mew Sock: namby-pamby) Abra into your deck. Discard all cards attached to it and don't whine about it 'cause I said so^_^!
               P Psyshock: See Abra (Base)
              Retreat cost: Ten million J/K actually: *
             Mew Sock: But Holy Sock!
             Holy Sock: If U want 2 keep your little treats, then be serious.
             Mew Sock: Ok if it's my only means to keep my MMMMs. Now for the rating: 7.5/10 (Much
             Holy Sock: Ok, heeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee(Why are u still reading this? there will just be more e's.)eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeres Kadabra!
            (did I add too many e's)
                  60 HP
                 PP Recover: Discard 1 P e.r.g attached to Kadabra in order to remove all damage counters from Kadabra
                 PPC SuPeR PsY 50
                 Retrat cost: ***
                Holy Sock: (WeIrD tRaNsLaToR iS pOpPeD oN HoLy SoCk) NiCe! ReCo*spits out translator*ver is great when Kadabra took a H-E double
                Hockey sticks uva beatin' and Super Psy is like the all mighty Movie Mewtwo's Psyburn with a plus power. The only thing I gripe is the three retreat.
                Mew Sock: But other that, Kadabra kicks @$$!
                Rating: 9/10
               Holy Sock: Here comes 'Kazam, on the march with two big fat spoons.
                          Alakazam (Mirror) mazakalA
                          80 HP
                       PKMN Power: Damage Swap: as often as u like during yur turn, u may remove 1 damage counter from 1 of your PKMN and place it
                       on another one of your PKMN as long as you don't knock out that PKMN. This power can't be if Kazam is (insert status ailment other that poison here) and 'Kazam can not be replaced by Slowbro, period!
                         PPP Confuse ray: Flip a coin. if heads, The defending PKMN is now confused.  30
                         Retreat Cost: ***
                Holy Sock:  Ooooooooooooooo yeah! This dude rocks and u know why. However, poor 'Kazam lost popularity
                in favor of Wigglysnuff (grrrrrr).
                Mew Sock: So we advise u 2 things: One, to stop making Wigglysnuff deck and work more with 'Kazam or at least make another
                Wiggly variant like a diehard Haymaker fan like me would do to his Haymaker (or should I say Haywinner!) and two: If u are goin' 2 replace 'Kazam
                with Slowbro, go jump in a lake full of PsYcHoTiC PiRaNhAs.  Rating 10/10
                Holy Sock: Thetas all done now for Sabrina's Abra family.
                 Mew Sock: This article is boring! Can I spice it up?
               Holy Sock: Fine, but if you touch my Jamaican death peppers, U R dead meat, sucker!
                 Mew Sock: Ok, heres Sabrina's Abra type #1 (With my bad@$$ sarcasm)
                          Kiguwen's Triphytrone
                         47537745856427548567249 QZ
                          PCFWEWFIONAJIOJKXLX Wongole Wongole: Hornschwaggle QueenieLeeanie Kwondowa the Ten Millionth -1,000,000,000
                          Retreat????? ^#$W%****%$*($^#*$*#^#$&$**%^%^%**%^#*%$@^*
                   Tech Tyrone: I did! I Suck.
                     Holy Sock: You idiot, now look what u done, for that, I shall curse you two ways, for 1: you will be forced to be dressed up in clothing thats is in
                     worse taste than Jon Arbuckle's wardrobe when he goes out on a date, and two, you will be stuck in a room with no way out and truckloads of 
                     tarantulas with the Caribbean parrot plague.
                    Mew Sock: Thats isn't a real disease.
                    Holy Sock: I know, I made it up, now for the curse *curse starts effect and Tech Tyrone is out of da picture*.
                   Mew Sock: Ok, heres the real translation.
                    Sabrina's Abra
                    40 HP
                     P Energy loop: Remove 1 P energy from this pokemon and return it to your hand
                    Retreat Cost:
                 Mew Sock: Finally, we get Sabrina's Abra, not "Kiguwen's Triphytrone". But however, this Sabrina's Abra isn't really that good. energy loop is ok, but not recommended if you want 2 power him up 4 Sabrina's 'Dabra.
                 Unholy Skunk: But doesn't lifedown take 1 P energy?
                 Mew Sock: Well, yea, but what if u aren't able to do the damage next turn? Oh, and about the name Unholy Skunk... Rating: 5/10
                Unholy Skunk: OK! WHO DID THIS?
                Tech Tyrone: I did. it was trapped in that file, and as always, I suck!
                 Unholy Skunk: U suck, Tech Tyrone, you little s***,oh and could someone change my name back.
                  Mew Sock:  *Changes his name*
                  Drew Bledsoe: No, try again.
                  Mew Sock: *Changes his name again*
                  Donkey Kong: Ha Ha Ha, don't take my so-called banana hoard, K Rool *Heavy sarcasm*.
                  Mew Sock: *tries agin*
                 Ash Ketchum: THATS IT! YOUR GONNA DIE CLOWN!!!
                 Mew Sock: *tries again*
                 Holy Sock: Thats better. now for the Sabrina's Abra Promo (A.K.A type 2)
                                 Sabrina's Abra
                                    40 HP (Deja' vu)
                           C   Pound 10
                          PC  Synchro Wave: The defending pokemon and Sabrina's Abra must have the same number of energys 40
                           retreat: This space for rent
                Holy Sock: Good, better than the last one
               Mew Sock: DUUH! The last one stunk worse than a yak's butt when he farted!
               Holy Sock: x_x
               Mew Sock: Rating time: 6.5/10
               Holy Sock: Here's the next Sabrina's Abra
              Sabrina's Abra
             50 HP
             P Psyscan
             Look at your opponent's hand
             P Quick Attack
             Flip a coin. if heads this attack does 20 more damage
            Retreat: 1
            Holy Sock: My favorite one, Q-Attack can be really good, andm low attack costs
            Mew Sock: Work's great before you sacrifice your RSA on nothing! Rating: 8/10
           Knight who says Ni!: NI NI NI NI NI NI NI NI NI NI NI NI!!!! BRING ME A SHRUBBERY!
           Holy Sock: Were bus......
          KWSN: NI! NI! NI! NI!
          Holy Sock: Fine, we'll get you a shrubbery, Mew Sock!
          Mew Sock: Yes sir!
          Holy Sock: Next card
         Sabrina's Kadabra
          70 HP
         P Life down
         Flip a coin, if heads, make it so the defending PKMN has 10 HP left
        PCC Psyshot 30
         Retreat: *
Good, Life down can easily pile up damage counters on even the so-called "invincible" Wigglytuff. Psyshot isn't that shabby eiter, but I wish it did 40 so this guy would be the ultimate Anti Colorless Psychic! Rating: 9.5/10
      Sabrina's Alakazam (mirror) mazakalA
      PKMN power: Psylink
      You can use the the attacks of any other Psychic PKMN in play as long as you have the right energy to use 'em with. Standard "can't be used" blah blah blah
       PCCC Mega Burn
        You can't use this attack next turn because S's Kazam is watching people hump each other on a mat
       Retreat: ***
  I like it! This guy loves Rocket's Mewtwo because of all that Psylinking ,and Megaburn ain't that bad either! Rating: 10/10
Mew Sock: Knight of ni, I have your shrubbery
Holy Sock: LEAVE US ALONE *pulls out machine gun  and fires it at him*  AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!!!
Mew Sock: Heh heh, that was fun
Holy Sock: This is me and Mew Sock, signing off
                                                                                                    ~Holy Sock~
                                                                                                    ~Mew Sock~
              Email Me @ Mewdude4eva@hotmail.com