
My name is jesterjoe and this is my first submission to the Pojo.

I give to you (drumroll, please)

Arcanine vrs. Ninetales

There are two different views on a card. They are:

A) Collectors

B) Battlers

Collectors View:

Arcanine: Uncommon

Ninetales: Rare

Score 0-1 in Ninetales's favor.

Battler's View:

First: HP

Arcanine has 100

Ninetales, a mere 80.

1-0 in Arcanine's favor.

Second: Attacks

Arcanine has two: Flamethrower and Takedown.

Flamethrower is your standard fire attack. FFC for 50 damage, and discard a
fire energy.

Takedown does 80 damage and 30 damage to Arcanine, for FFCC.

Ninetales too, has two attacks, however, they are Lure and Fire Blast. Lure
is a sort of gust of wind for a DCE.

Fire Blast is 80 damage dealing attack that discards one fire energy out of
at least four attached to Ninetales.

I'd have to say Flamethrower is better than Lure. Lure only really works if
your opponents pokemon can't retreat or attack once it's out. Maybe I'm just
biased against attacks that don't deal damage. Than there's Take Down and
Fire Blast. They're pretty much the same stuff packaged differently. Sure,
30 damage is worst than discarding an energy, but between FFCC and FFFF I'd
choose FFCC. So 2-0 in Arcanine's favor.

Third: Weakness, Resistance, and Retreat.

Both Arcanine and Ninetales are weak against water, and neither has a

Retreat is where Ninetales has it over Arcanine. Ninetales C, Arcanine CCC.
No contest.

2-1 in Arcanine's favor.

In the end, Arcanine is a card that rules over Ninetales, until it's time to

The Entei Master

Comments, questions, and stuff like that goes to jesterjoe20@hotmail.com.

Spam, viruses, hatemail, and junk to someone else.