Hey Pojofans! this is Erik here once again.  Today I will be talking about a
really good Neo Genesis card, Prof. Elm and a base Set card, Prof. Oak.

Prof . Elm is a trainer that lets you shuffle your hand into your deck and
then draw 7 cards.  Prof. Oak is a trainer that (as all players know) lets
you discard your hand and draw 7 cards.  My ratings from 1-10 10 being the
best for these two cards are

Elm - 9.5
Oak - 7

The reason Elm is a higher rating is because it can prevent you from decking
and with Oak you have to get rid of each card in your hand. Oak is good
because if you don't like your hand you can get rid of it, but let's say you
have a bad hand but you have maybe one or two cards you want, with Elm you
have a chance of drawing them again, with oak you don't have this chance
unless you use cards such as NGR or Recycle.

Read my other articles to find out what to send me and what not to cause i'm
kinda in  a rush here. BYE!!

almost forgot my email address