Hi! I know with Gym Challenge coming out everyone wants to make a special "Gym
Challenge" deck. Probably you want to rush out and buy a deck of your favorite Gym
leader, right? Hold on a second. Before you waste all $15 of your precious money, find
out from me what's a good deck and what's not. Let's start with Blaine. The original deck
is this:
          28 Fire Energy-What else for a fire deck?
          1 Blaine's Arcanine-Don't buy it yet.
          3 Blaine's Charmander Lv.18-Only for Charmeleon, possibly Carizard.
          2 Blaine's Charmeleon-Awesome for a Charmeleon.
          1 Blaine's Dodrio-Only for collecting.
          2 Blaine's Doduo-Not bad for a Doduo.
          2 Blaine's Growlithe Lv.15-Great if you happen to come up against a grass deck.
          2 Blaine's Growlithe Lv.20-Awesome for a Growlithe.
          4 Blaine's Ponyta Lv.13-What can I say; Stinks.
          2 Blaine's Rapidash-Awesome for a Rapidash.
          2 Blaine's Vulpix Lv.18-Okay.
          2 Bill-Add some more.
          1 Blaine-Of course keep it in there! It's fantastic in this deck!
          1 Blaine's Gamble-Probably not.
          1 Cinnabar City Gym-One of the best stadium cards there is.
          1 Max Revive-Could be a life saver. (Note could.)
          2 Potion-Good in this deck for the little Pokemon.
          2 Fervor-A pretty bad card. Use Energy Search instead.
          1 Super Potion-Out for better and more important cards.

In my opinion this is the best Gym Challenge deck there is. Here are the changes and
additions I would make:
1st, take out Doduo and Dodrio. They stink! 2nd, take out 1lv.15 Growlithe and put in a
lv.20 Growlithe. Then add another Arcanine. Also, add a Charizard. 3rd, take out the 2
Vulpixes. We don't need another family. 4th, take out 1 Blaine's Gamble, 2 Fervor, and 1
Super Potion. Then add in 2 Bills, and 2 Potions. 5th, take out 1 Ponyta. Finally, add 4
Energy Searches. Then you will have a pretty good deck. You can substitute the 3 Ponyta
and 2 Rapidash for 3 Vulpix and 2 Ninetails if you want to.

Next is the Giovanni deck. The original deck:
          20 Grass Energy-For the Nidos.
          8 Fighting Energy-For the Machamp family.
          3 Giovanni's Nidoran (Girl)-Awesome for a Nidoran Girl.
          4 Giovanni's Nidoran (Boy)-Awesome for a Nidoran Boy except for 40 HP.
          2 Giovanni's Machoke-Headlock is okay. Mainly for Machamp.
          4 Giovanni's Machop-Fury Punch is okay. Mainly for Machoke/Machamp.
          3 Giovanni's Meowth Lv.17-Awesome for a Meowth.
          1 Giovanni's Meowth Lv.12-Stinks.
          1 Giovanni's Nidorina-Awesome for a Nidorina.
          2 Giovanni's Nidorino-Awesome for a Nidorino.
          1 Giovanni's Persian-Great Pokemon Power. Stinks otherwise.
          2 Bill-Perfect.
          2 Energy Removal-Perfect.
          1 Full Heal-Take out for better and more important things.
          1 Giovanni-Great for Machamp family/Nidos. Needs more.
          2 Potion-Good for the little Pokemon. Needs more.
          1 Viridian City Gym-Needs more.
          2 Warp Point-Good in any deck. Only need 1 though.

A good deck----if you have a lot of other cards. Here is how I would tweek the deck:
1st, take out a Nidoran Boy and add a Nidoking. 2nd, take out a Machop and put in a
Machamp. 3rd, take out 2 Meowths (1 lv.12 and 1 lv.17)  and add in 2 Nidoqueens. 4th,
take out a Full Heal and put in a Nidorina. 5th, take out another Meowth and put in
another Viridian City gym. 6th, take out a Warp Point and put in another Viridian City
Gym. 7th, take out 2 Fighting Energy and 5 Grass Energy and add in 2 Magikarp, 1
Gyarados, and 4 Water Energy.

Next on the list is Koga. Deck list:
          28 Grass Energy-What else?
          1 Koga's Beedrill-The main hitter.
          3 Koga's Ekans-Not bad. More for Arbok than for attacking.
          3 Koga's Grimers-Good for a Grimer. More for muk than for attacking.
          2 Koga's Kakuna-Great for poisoning. Gets Beedrill out fast.
          3 Koga's Koffing Lv.10-Horrible.
          1 Koga's Koffing Lv.15-Better.
          3 Koga's Pidgey-Awesome for a Pidgey. Needs Pidgeotto.
          4 Koga's Weedle-Awesome for a Weedle.
          2 Koga's Weezing-The only reason you would put this in a deck is attack #2.
          1 Energy Removal-Why only one?
          1 Fuchsia City Gym-Isn't really good. Only in here because it applies to Koga.
          1 Full Heal-Take out for better and more important things.
          2 Gust of Wind-Perfect.
          1 Koga-We don't need more poison! There's already enough!
          1 Pluspower-Needs more.
          3 Potion-Need 1 more.

Just need to remove some of the useless cards and shape the trainers and you have a
pretty good deck. Here's what I would do:
1st, take out those horrible little lv.10 Koffings! Replace them for two more lv.15
Koffings. 2nd, take out the Pidgeys. Too much energy and Pidgeottos are hard to find.
Instead, put 3 more pluspowers in. 4th, take out a Grimer and put in a Muk. 5th, take out
1 of the Weedles and the Koga and put in 2 Arboks. Finally, take out the Full Heal and
put in another Potion. Probably the second best deck there is.
Last one: Sabrina:
          28 Psychic Energy-What else?
          2 Sabrina's Abra Lv.12-Okay. For Kadabra/Alakazam.
          2 Sabrina's Abra Lv.18-Very good for an Abra.
          1 Sabrina's Alakazam-The main hitter.
          3 Sabrina's Drowzee Lv.18-Awesome for a Drowzee.
          4 Sabrina's Gastly Lv.9-Awesome for a Gastly.
          2 Sabrina's Haunter Lv.29-Awesome for a Haunter.
          2 Sabrina's Jynx Lv.21-Horrible.
          2 Sabrina's Kadabra-Good.
          3 Sabrina's Porygon- Stinks.
          2 Bill-Good.
          2 Potion-Good.
          1 Sabrina-Okay.
          2 Sabrina's Gaze-No.
          1 Sabrina's Psychic Control-Awesome card.
          1 Saffron City Gym-Only in here because it applies to Sabrina. Isn't that good.
          2 Switch-Good.

A pretty good deck. Here are the changes I would make:
Take Out:                 
# To Add In:
3 Porygon                   1 Lv.18 Abra
2 Jynx                         2 Potion
2 Lv.12 Abras            2 Bill
2 Sabrina's Gaze         2 Switch
1 Gastly                      1 Gengar
                                   2 Hypno

You can write me at:
stephen.powell@valley.net if you have any ideas or comments.
 See ya! -Nick
        P.S. Brock's Geodude's ( Lv.13 of Gym Heroes) attack Hook Shot says don't
apply RESISTANCE for this attack. NOT weakness and resistance.