Hi, Pojo fans! I have another article for your viewing eyes. =) Anyways,
Clefable is a popular threat. Now Chan can cut off Clefairy; however, there
are other Pokemon that can take on Clefable in his evolved state. Chan might
be Super Energy Removed or Gusted, etc. Typically, whenever a Colorless or
Electric Pokemon that is weak to Fighting is in play, you can almost bet that
there are Fighting resistant Pokemon lurking somewhere. Now, the importance
of this article is to point out some Clefairy/Clefable, or other Fighting
weak Pokemon that can KO without using Fighting energy. So here are some
Fighting Pokemon that use Colorless energy, and follow the same example and
versatility of Scyther. I have tried all of these Pokemon, and will rank them
based on my experience out of 10.

#1 Team Rocket Set Machop:
Machop                               50 HP
2 Colorless- Punch-    20
1 Fighting/2 Colorless- Kick-      30
Weakness: Psy       Resist: 0        Retreat: 1

Hmm...not bad. A DCE energy and you have a quick 40 on the Clefable or the KO
on the Clefairy. However, if you only have 2 energy, Clefable can Metronome
Kick, and KO this Machop, before Machop can KO Clefable. It's one retreat is
nice in case you need to retreat Not bad against other colorless, but not too
useful against Clefable.

I think it deserves a 6/10

#2 Brock's Rhyhorn
Brock's Rhyhorn                  60 HP
2 Colorless- Horn Toss-   20, If your opponent has any benched Pokemon, he or
she chooses1 of them and switches it with the Defending Pokemon. (Do damage
before switching Pokemon)
2 Fighting/1 Colorless- Take Down-   40, Brock's Rhyhorn does 10 to itself
Weakness: Grass       Resist: Lightning       Retreat: 2

Brock's Rhyhorn is ok, for the one hit KO on Clefairy. However his Horn Toss,
gets rid of the Pokemon. Therefore the opponent will just bring up a Scyther,
or other fighting resistant Pokemon. I personally don't like this card very
much. His retreat is too high, and weakness to one of the most popular
Pokemon, Scyther. Clefable can finish off Rhyhorn for 40, or Horn Toss it

This Pokemon is worthy of a 3/10

#3 Gligar
Gligar                  60 HP
1 Fighting- Poison Sting-  10, flip a coin, if heads, the Defending Pokemon
is now Poisoned.
2 Colorless- Slash-   20
Weakness: Grass       Resist: Fighting    Retreat: 0

This new Pokemon from the Neo set is really good. His retreat cost is what is
so amazing. However, the most spectacular thing about Gligar is his Fighting
resistance. This means he can battle against other Fighting Pokemn and hae
the advantage. So this Pokemon has the advantage over Fighting, some
Colorless, and most Electric. His only flaw is his weakness to Grass. In
spite of that, he is still quite a good card, and I believe is the best of
the three.

He deserves a 9/10

I hope these Pokemon will be helpful to you!

E-mail me at Pokeplayer85@aol.com

Yoda-Deck Mechanic I am. Play Pokemon I do. Help you need? Contact me you
can. Fix your deck I will. One thing there is, steal my nickname you do not!