Hi, I am posting a great deck idea that revolves around Typhlosion's, Arcanine's, and Sneasel's Power. First let me tell you the four cards stats, thanks to Pojo for the info...

Name:        Typhlosion
Type:        Stage 2 - Evolves from Quilava
Card #:      Card 17/111
Rarity:      Rare - Holo
Color:       Fire
HP:          100 HP
Weakness:    W
Resistance:  none
Retreat:     2
Pokemon #:   157
Species:     Volcano
Level:       55
Power:       "Fire Recharge"
             Once during your turn (before your attack), you may flip
             a coin.  If heads, attack a R Energy card from your
             discard pile to 1 of your R Pokemon.  This power can't be
             used if Typlosion is Asleep, Confused, or Paralyzed.
Attack:      [RRRR]  Flame Burst  (60+)
             Flip a coin.  If heads, this attack does 60 damage plus
             20 more damage and does 20 damage to Typhlosion.  If
             tails, this attack does 60 damage.

Great Pokemon, fits perfectly into the deck stragety with its attack and Pokemon Power. 100HP is perfect, only problem is evolution but that's nothing Computer Search and Breeder can't solve.

Name:        Sneasel
Type:        Basic Pokemon
Card #:      Card 25/111
Rarity:      Rare
Color:       Darkness
HP:          60 HP
Weakness:    none
Resistance:  P -30
Retreat:     none
Pokemon #:   215
Species:     Sharp Claw
Level:       34
Attack:      [1]  Fury Swipes  (10x)
             Flip 3 coins.  This attack does 10 damage times the
             number of heads.
Attack:      [DD]  Beat Up  (20x)
             Flip a coin for each of your Pokemon in play (including
             this one).  This attack does 20 damage times the number
             of heads.

This Guy is a KILLER!!! Basic Pokemon, 60HP, and first turn attack for collorless. Now the real beauty of this gem is Beat up, for 2 Darkness Energy he can do an average of 60, but may do 120. Drawback is that you flip 6 coins.

Name:         Arcanine
Type:         Stage 1 -- from Growlithe
Card #:       card 23 of 102
Rarity:       Uncommon
Color:        Fire
HP:           100 HP
Weakness:     W
Resistance:   none
Retreat:      3
Species:      Legendary
Level:        45
Pokemon #:    59
Attack:       [1RR]  Flamethrower  (50)
              Discard 1 Fire Energy card to use this attack.
Attack:       [2RR]  Take Down  (80)
              Arcanine does 30 dam. to self.

BRILLIANT!!! Who ever thought up this card was a genious! 1st stage evolution, Uncommon, great basic, and 100HP! 3 Energy on this card does 50 damage and four does 80, with the drawback of 30 to itself.

Now for the Deck which runs by Prop 15/3...


3x Growlithe
2x Arcanine
1x Sneasel
3x Magmar
3x Hoot Hoot
2x Noctowl
3x Cyndaquil
2x Quilava
1x Typhlosion


1x Ecogym
2x Oak
2x Energy Retrieval
3x Gold Berry
2x Berry
2x Super Rod
3x Computer Search


20x Fire
2x DCE
3x Darkness


The stragety for this deck is to Poison and Char the opponents Pokemon with Magmar and Quilava in Early game. While doing that Find and Power up Sneasel, Arcanine, and Growlithe. Hold Evolution off until you have the correct ammount of energy for attacks. Find Ecogym quickly if your didn't get it yet. Once you have Noctowl out use it to take out your opponents hand with Glaring Gaze. Use Super Rod to get your Pokemon back and Get your Energy back with Ecogym and Typhlosion. Gold Berry should be used to heal those self-damaging Pokemon such as Typhlosion and Arcanine, use Berry to keep Sneasel out as well.

That's my Report and if you have any comments E-mail me at

Written by: Curtis