Hello all. I remember reading a tip or two about Ditto stoppers, but
never thought much of it until the other day. I, like many, have a
favorite deck. It's an Aerodactyl deck that dominates at League Night,
and only gets real challenges at home from other decks I build. I
discovered, quite by accident, a cool strategy while playing one of my
other decks that uses Ditto.

Ditto is on the opponent's bench with 1 DCE attached. You are holding a
Gust o' Wind, possibly a Switch, and have Mysterious Fossil either on
your bench or in your hand. Now, I don't know about you, but Ditto makes
me nervous, especially against my Sneasel. (little extra tip) So I like
to eliminate Ditto ASAP. Here's how I do it. I make Mysterious Fossil my
active by switching/retreating/etc.. and Gust up the opponent's Ditto.
Now, this isn't foolproof. If the opponent has a Scoop-up or Switch,
your out of luck, but RSA or Lass could help you with that. If your
opponent does NOT have these cards (or snother way to bench Ditto) he's
stuck! Ditto is now Mysterious Fossil, which can't retreat/attack/etc.
Unless the opponent wants to discard Ditto and the DCE, he's stuck. You
can now search or build-up the Pokémon needed to knock out Ditto, then
discard (or Switch/Scoop) Fossil, and go to town.

I don't know if anyone would want Fossil taking up space in their decks,
it's almost like a Doll then. But it's stopping power vs. Ditto may come
in handy if they're in decks you face.

Please no flaming, there's no need. Hope it's useful to someone,
somewhere. Peace.
