Ok here is what i think of recycle energy and how i use it to help me win.
First of all anyone with chanseys in there deck(make sure for stall reasons)
should attach 2 recycle energy on it if you dont already have a double
colorless. You should do this because if your chansey is just about dead
using a pokemon center or scoop up on it will save it and the energys so you
can save your double colorless for what you realy need it for. Now there are
multiple things you can do with recycle energy like super energy removal with
out having to loose valuble energy, super potion, for the same reason. Even
retreating its helpfull( for pokemon with a retreat cost of 1). Make sure you
attach it early in the game too a pokemon or you can use it with a Computer
search or a itemfinder and any other trainers that discard cards. NOW too
make sure every one understands what this card does I will explain!

Recycle energy
counts as 1 colorless energy
when ever this card is discarded put it back into your hand.
(this is not a basic energy)

Well there you go so enjoy these small little stradegys with recycle energy!
