I like Slowking....I like Murkrow....I don't like Moltres (fossil)......But
together, they make an extremely deadly combo.  I built a new deck feaaturing
these three Pokemon.  I love it.  Try to get Slowking on the bench early to
prevent your opponent from going trainer crazy (like I love to do so much).  
Use Mean look on one of your opponents pokes that have a high retreat, and
whenever they play a trainer, notice Slowking's Pokemon Power.  If they try
to Oak/Switch/GOW/any other trainer that can aactually matter, bring out the
killer in the deck......Fossil Moltres.  See Wildfire?  You already know what
they are going to discaard, and this won't make your opponent to happy ¦¬Þ.  

Like it?  Hate it?  Know an improvement?
All you gotta do is E-mail me:

