First of all, my current water deck which uses
blastoise, feraligatr and kanghaskan, is 17-1.  It is
called Abomination, I'm not sure if my previous report
will get posted.  I am at the super master level. 

[Editor's Note:  Super Master Level... Really....]

I decided not to go to tournaments, because they use the
cheat cards. 

[Editor's Note: Ahhh... the "cheat" cards!  Boy, I was wondering how those people were winning tournaments! They were using secret cheat cards that 
not even the judges noticed!  I mean, I must have been using them too, since I won a few local tournaments and an STS Qualifier... and I didn't even know it! Those tricksters...]

 I don't need to win every tournament,
just having an above 85% overall record is good enough
for me.  In those 17 wins, no one has got more than 2
prizes against me.  The only loss was against an
electric deck where every problem that could have
happened, did.

The point:
Feraligatr 120hp, and blastoise are the best pokemon
ever.  If you think murkrow and sneasel are good,
think again.  They are way to easy for me too knock
out with blastoise with 5 water energies or feraligatr
with 4 or 5 water energies in the discard pile. 


And using multiple energy types in your deck is a big

[Editor's Note: Did all you haymaker players out there get that? All this 
time you've been playing multiple energies was a mistake! *slaps forehead*
duh!  Well, we all know you haymaker players were only winning 'cause you
were using "cheat" cards....]   

 It will be too hard to get the right energy
on the pokemon that need it.  Remember, 1 basic energy
type is all a good deck can handle.

[Editor's Note: Thanks! I will be sure to tell Scott Gerhardt that!  And all this time he had fooled himself into thinking that his Sponge and Potpourri decks
(with multiple energy types) were good just because they won tournaments...

Those that say it is too hard to use more than 1 stage
2's in your deck, think again.  I use 6 in my deck.
I have never been in a match with this deck that I
haven't got out at least 2 of them.  Remember, the
deck is 17-1, so obviously they can hold their own.

[Editor's Note:  Um... do you think that just might be because you have not
actually played in any REAL tournaments with REAL competition, and only play little kids that don't know any better at your school yard?]

I got major beef with Super Energy Removal's.  They
ruin the game, and deserve to be banned from all
matches.  They give an absolute advantage to the
player "LUCKY" enough to get them out at the right
time.  They are just plain luck cards. 

[Editor's Note:  Really.  Are these "LUCK" cards different from "cheat"
cards in any way? Can a "LUCK" card be a "cheat" card too?]

 Also, they
slow the game down and make it boring.  They are way
too easy to be abused. 

Stadium's are stupid, too.  The need to be banned,
also.  They only give an advantage to "CERTAIN"

[Editor's Note:  Really! Are "CERTAIN" Pokémon "cheat" Pokémon?
ie: NOT  Blastoise, Feraligator and Kanghaskan? I wonder...
Is there such a thing as Lucky Cheating Certain Pokémon?

 I don't use any of those certain pokemon, so
I don't let others use the stadiums against me.

[Editor's Note:  OHH! *slaps forehead again!* So if a card my opponent is using isn't good for my deck, I just tell the other player he can't USE them! DOH! And all this time I've just been duking it out, trying to win the hard way!]

If you can't win a fair match, free of "ADVANTAGES", then
your not a good trainer.  Its as simple as that!

[Editor's Note: Hmm... so your eliminating all cards that can hurt
your deck is not considered an advantage? But players that play by
the rules established by Wizards and the DCI have is?]

Baby pokemon, don't get me started.  They are the
worst idea ever.  Sure the baby rule gives them a very
small chance of them surviving as an active pokemon.
But the baby rule doesn't protect them from attacks to
them when their on the bench.  Hello, 60hp promo
mewtwo, umbreon, brock's golbat.  All of them can
attack babies when their on the bench, killing them
before their precious attacks can ever be used.
Yeah sure magby can stop blastoise and feraligatr pp,
but only doing 10 damage, it still doesn't stand a

And what the heck is up with dark pokemon having no
weakness.  That is way too unfair for the other types.
 While every other good deck has to worry about its
weakness, they don't.  And you tell me that's fair.
Wrong!  So from now on, included in my rules for
battling is that dark pokemon have weakness to
colorless.  If wizards won't do it correctly, I will.

[Editor's Note: ......]

I always play a fair match, and my pokemon and
trainers win the match for me, not luck & advantage
cards. [Editor's Note: Excuse me whilst I go barf...  ~ Doll]