Okay, in light of todays card review on pojo I think I really need to post this in order for my favorite card (light azumarill) to get some respect. This card is so much more than a 2.5, if used right, it is the most broken card in the game right now. this is a little combo I came up with one rainy day.

Here goes, most people see the card and think it's medeocre at best, but with the right cards it can deal 80+ damage every turn and your opponent will never be able to k.o. it!

the stats of the card aren't even bad either, they are quite good actually...

80 hp
1 retreat
evolves from a 50 hp basic(promo one)
first attack takes 1 energy and can paralize
seccond attack makes it all but invincible!

The acutal strategy is a wierd kind of swarm, get about 2-4 of them [light azumarills] out by the 2nd or 3rd turn, and can power up fast with dce's or even a miracle energy. With one active and a one or more on the bench you start bubble jumping.... but heres the combo, the attack lets you pick it up (and all cards attached) when you use it.*since the attack states that coin flip is to see if you can take energy and attach it to another pokemon, you get to take light azumarill ,and all cards attached back to your hand no matter what* With a few plus powers attached and maybe even a power charm you get to re-use all of the cards, so on the next turn you move up another azumarill and all of the plus powers/power charms back down on that one and hit thier pokemon for up to 80 damage. and if you're opponent can't kill it in one hit they'll never be able to get a prize since every time you bubble jump all damage is removed and when it comes back, it'll have full health! >=)

This combo isin't even hard to pull off either, i've won many tournaments with a bubblejump deck and to top all of that off the light azumarill deck has literally no weakness! if you want a complete version of my deck/or whatever you can e-mail me at:
