From: Justin Hogan [] Sent: Friday, December 14, 2001 7:14 PM Subject: RE: Rant. Perspective on WotC and Pokimon in general. Dear Wizards and PoJo and Ness, I am 13 years old (what is that::counting on fingers::two years left...?) and love the game of Pokimon!!! I have been playin Pokimon for 1 and a half years now and it has grown on me like a cheap pair of shoes. When i was little i started playin Magic (alpha) and quit two months later (that tells u alot!) and then started again like 5 months earlier when I was at summer camp and alot of people played it. So I bought a theme deck (Burial from Apocalypse::cant spell worth my life::) played it for about two seconds, and thought to myself, "Hmm. This game does has a little more strategy then Pokimon but it is a little complicated.......Pokimons flat out better!!!" Well what I'm tryin to say is that I like the game Pokimon better then Magic. Like I said before is that I have two years left in Pokimon (IF IT EVEN LASTS THAT LONG!!!) according to WotC until I'm kicked out, brainwashed, and forced to play Magic ::UGHHHH...::. One reason why I like to play pokimon is because it is rookie-friendly. At Comic Chest (local league) there is an assortment of players, from Pokimon to DBZ to magic to Mage Knight. This is what I see: a DBZ clique in the corner playing by themselves, booing when there are Pokimon announcements and allowing no outside contact. Magic is a little better with that issue, but still doubting Pokimon's awesomeness (had to put that in there). I have no beef with's Mage Knight, even though they are SOOOOOOO zoned-in on their game, about to bite u when u interrupt there game (I am exaggerating a /little/). But overall, this is what I see when I go in Comic Chest to play Pokimon: We're all sittin at our tables, battlin our battles. When we see a new little kid, we welcome him over, let him watch our battles, play a turn for us. We ask them if they want to battle us. WE hold Deck Fixin sessions every week. WE hold an easy, rare-tourny every weekend to keep Pokimon form becoming a dying fad. WE care about our game. All these reasons tell you about the kind of people who play, and care about, the game of Pokimon. So lets rally together to put a stop to this madness (Isn't this kinda reminiscent of the Union Leaders in the 30s rallying against the Big Business leaders?!?!) that WotC is trying to put upon us! Don't take me wrong; I'm not tryin to bash WotC, it PROVIDES us with Pokimon. I'm just trying to say that they probably got higher forces (big corporate high-honchos) telling them what to do, a.k.a ELIMINATE 15+. It's not all there fault, they've just been under the influence of greedy money-hoggers. The MTs will probably not let this go on, so we have to support them, and stop THIS!!! Loyal member of Team Chaos, Justinosparce, 13, VA ______________________________________