Hey Mitch here with a new stall strategey... Neo3 Fighting Shuckle.... according to its Pokemon power, if an attack does damage of 40 or less damage then reduce it too 10. The newest wall Pokemon was just meant for steel energy!!! With 1 steel an attack of 50 damage originally is reduced to a mere 10, and with a full fledged Steel Shuckle (4 Steels attached) will reduce a devastating attack of 80 damage to just 10, so to knock it out you must do 90 damage in one turn, or plink away at it for ever, especially with healing gard like moo-moo milk, berry, potion, Healing Fields/Plains Gym.....

The best part is the fact that his attack does no damage that can be reduced by all the Steel energy, and does double Poison for a coin flip.

For best results, combo with Pokemon Powers Spikes and or Sink Hole(Forretress and Dark Dugtrio), causing severe damge to Pokemon trying to avoid staying poisoned....

Questoins and comments, or ideas of your own, Email too

Mitch @