From: Sent: Friday, December 07, 2001 3:39 PM To: Subject: Rant Response I'm not sure what happened to Ness that had him awaken the sleeping dragon that is the 15+ topic, but as we remember, this isn't the first time that this issue has caused some problems. As many of you, I think WOTC would have liked Pokemon to be a gateway to their Magic game. A game that you played when you were younger until you were ready for Magic. Many players did do that. But many others did not. WOTC does not own the Pokemon franchise. They do not own the rights to the card game. They do have the rights to print, sell and support the game in territories outside of Japan. But they are not at the top of Pokemon:TCG's food chain. When it comes to Magic, they own it. Lock, stock and barrel. When it come to Harry Potter, they own the card game and pay a licensing fee for the characters, just like any other licensee. Their costs are higher and their control less for Pokemon than for the other 2 games. Being a looong-time member of the 15 and over club, I can appreciate the feelings of abandonment that many of the trainers that are nearing the "magic" age of 15. But let's not pretend that this is a new issue. And let's not pretend that this is something that is being pushed on WOTC from Japan. It's not. WOTC may have dropped the prizes of free trips for the older players when the sales of Pokemon leveled off. That is understandable. As a business decision. But WOTC *attitude* towards the older players has been an issue with me for a while. Several times during the weekly Pokemon chats over the last year, reps from WOTC have let slip (when their frustrations seem to get a little high) that Pokemon is a "kids" game in their view. Especially when it comes to some of the rulings. They'd say things that implied if you wanted to play games that had logic and made sense, start playing Magic. Or condescendingly say, "You know Pokemon is a kids game, don't you ?". Telling trainers to basically stop taking it seriously. You want to play a serious game, don't play Pokemon. (When I posted in another forum about that attitude, I received some rather curt responses from the people at WOTC. Saying that they never said those things and if they did I must not have heard them right.) I was a gym leader last year. We had 70-110 trainers each week. Many of those trainers (~35%) were over 15. Some of these were parents that wanted something to do with their kids. Some were high schoolers that (gasp) liked the game. Some were just people that got sick of all of the "Type II" and "What's banned this week ?" and cut throat-play of Magic. Most of them will not care that WOTC considers Pokemon a "kids" game. What is really bugging some of you is that WOTC is going to kill the sanctioning of the 15 and over age bracket. All your time and energy (and yes, money) that you invested getting to the top of something will be for naught. Whereas you were somebody in the Pokemon realm before you were 15, you will soon be forgotten once you cross that threshold. Isn't that what is bothering you ? No one says you have to stop playing the game once you turn 15. Playing competitively will be gone. Sanctioning, rankings and the like won't be around. "Serious" tournaments like the STS won't have a slot for you anymore. The only way it will have an impact in my area is if WOTC announces that the Pokemon League will only be for 14 and under. Wouldn't that be something ? Many of you implied that WOTC *wants* Pokemon to die. They've made their money on it, now please buy our next fad game or move into our steady long-term product. You may be right. With limited resources, businesses must decide where they'll spend them. I can see WOTC continuing to sap the life from what was once (and once could have been) a long term game. Just between us, I think we'll see our last English cards from WOTC in 2002. I'll be surprised to see any sets beyond the next one (Neo 4) come to America from WOTC. Maybe someone else will pick up the game. FRED