Sent: Wednesday, December 05, 2001 3:18 PM
Subject: How To Power Up Lugia In 2 Turns- Law
To power up a Neo 1 Lugia by turn 2, your starting hand must be the following:
-  water energy
-  electric energy
-  fire energy
-  base set Squirtle
- Lugia (Neo 1)
- base set Blastoise
- Pokemon Breeder

      Put out Lugia as your starter, and bench Squirtle.  Put a fire energy on Lugia.  (Oppponant Attacks)
      "Breeder" Squirtle into Blastoise
      Use "Rain Dance" to put the Water energy on Lugia
      Attatch Electric energy to Lugia
      I know, it's really situational, and you can only pull it off in non-modified, but it works, busting the myth that you can't power up a Lugia in 2 turns.

      E-mail me at gjl87 @  NO VIRUSES OR HATE MAIL PLEASE!!!