From: Kim Rees [] Sent: Tuesday, December 18, 2001 5:12 PM To: Subject: another rant from another player another rant from a concerned player: okay i'm only twelve so maybe i shouldn't talk. but maybe i should. i play pokemon for the major tournaments and leagues and hanging out with the friends (many near or over fifteen mind you) i make there, and i don't want that all to end because a bunch of guys who were probably high, screwed up. ness is right, a demented chimpanzee could do better then the friggin' WotC. i have had too many great experiences in pokemon, and i'm sure that everyone reading this has, or else they wouldn't play pokemon. and what about pokemons future, when wizards makes stupid decisions like no 15+ or no STS it hurts more then just the older people, it hurts the people who play for the major league stuff like STS's. the last major tournament i played in for the sts trip i crashed and burned and came in something like 20th place, that's not something i want as my very last tournament, and there had better darn well be a next sts or any major tournament for that matter, with fifteen year olds in it. WotC had better well freakin' wise up or pokemon will bite the dust and WotC will lose something that was once a money and still had the potential to kick some economic butt but some total (insert the very most cruel, insulting explanative here) killed it and told everybody to play magic. well, i've run out of words to express my disappointment and fury so maybe i should shut up. -P. Tooey P.S. just remember Wizards of the coast, i'm flipping you off in spirit.