From: Sent: Tuesday, December 18, 2001 2:44 PM To: Subject: Here it is-Sparkey450 Sparkey: Hello Pokepeople! As I promised several articles ago, here is wizard's email address. Although, I reccomend you actually go to the site just to make absolutely sure that's the right one. Opinions are apparently sent to the webmaster, and they have a specific little thingy you're supposed to click on if your email concerns pokemon. Charizard: No doubt whoever is in charge of that section is a retarded 5 year old or a magic-loving adult with more money than sense. Grrr.... Sparkey: Yep. i've already sent an email to them. Everyone at pojo should send some too. Note how I say SOME, as in, more than one per person. I'll send another one soon if I don't get a reply. Charizard: And we mean EVERYONE should send emails to wizards. Not just the people who post articles on pojo but also the unseen closet pokefans who just read the articles for pojo and don't send anything. You don't have to write articles to have an opinion that counts. EVERY opinion counts and it looks like we'll have to make wizards aware of every one of them. Don't let wizards push us around. Sparkey: Yeah, we have to send them annoying letters every day. If we send enough, they might listen. If not, don't worry. the die-hard pokenuts like myself will make our opinion crystal clear before this war is over. Tyranitar: Let's kick some wizard butt! I can introduce them to some pavement! Charzard: Tyranitar? When did you come in? Sparkey: I told you Tyranitar! No pounding people unless I tell you to! Back into your pokeball! Return! Tyranitar returns to her pokeball, mumbling to herself. Sparkey: That's better. Tyranitar, unfortinatley thinks that butt-kicking is the answer to everything. Last time she got angry, she used a guy as the ball in a game of volleyball. That wasn't pretty, let me tell you. time for the random thought. SPARKEY'S RANDOM THOUGHT FOR THE DAY: Have you seen those comics called "The Far Side"? Those are hillarious. I like the boneless chicken ranch. How can you not like white, feathery puddles that are actually boneless chickens? I have to wonder how the one got on top of the sign though... Left by aliens perhaps?