I got the Southern Islands set yesterday, 8th August, and some of the cards aren't all that bad. At first glance Mew looks to be really good.... The downside...it only has 30HP, but it has free retreat. The attack: Rainbow Wave one psychic energy Choose aa type of energy other than colourless attached to Mew. This attack does 20 damage to each of your opponent's pokemon of that type (including Beched Pokemon). Don't apply weakness and resistance. Well I'm assuming that if you put a Rainbow energy on Mew you can't Have the rainbow be psychic for the cost of the attack AND be a different energy for the chosen type, so you need a psychic and a rainbow on it (or 2 rainbow I guess). Whatever deck you are up against, as long as it isn't colourless, you are going to do BIG damage, especially to single colour decks such as Raindance. Combine it with a challenge or Erica's Perfume to get a load of same colour pokes on the opposing bench. Gets bench babies too.... Mothboy8@aol.com