Hello everybody! Jerm is here as a follow-up to my recent grass decks. As promised, Jumpluff, Koga's Beedrill, and Bellosem. Let's get started right away! Strategy number 4 Jumpluff Ahhh, Jumpluff. The pokemon that will save grass pokemon from doom! Not only The genisus version, but also Revalation!! But Today, I'm talking about Genisus. Looking at the stats, this peice of fluff could be killer. Stage 2 and free retreat, resistance to fighting, 80 Hp, BUT weakness to Fire. The idea of his decks are to put guys to sleep, then heal yourself. But what I'm up to today is more complicated. Jumpy decks are going for prizes, not trying to knock out the big basic pokemon. I have added promo Smeargle to this deck. The main concept is to change a monster into fighting, GOW, then change another. Now this is coin flip reliant, but if it works, it's simply killer. Now, in every grass deck I put Neo Magmar or Yanma. This deck runs low energy, so I chose Magmar. It gets going fast, so I chose Iggly over Magby, not wanting to waste energy on a sputter. (Fingers hurting) Here's the deck! Deck number 4 4 Hoppip (2 of each) 4 Skiploom 4 Jumpluff 2 Magmar 2 Igglybuff 3 Cleffa 3 Promo Smeargle 4 Professer Oak 3 Item Finder 3 Computer Search 3 Nightly Garbage Run 4 Pluspwer 2 Defender 19 Grass Energy Strategy number 5 Koga's Beedrill This strategy explains itself. I'll show the damage done off of one flipped heads, and one tails. First, 20 damage. (Heads) poison makes 30. They cant do anything do to paralyzed, so add in poison. 40. now you do it again and flip tails. 60. Poison 70. That was probably confusing, but it means if you flip heads, you do a lot of damage! And with Poison, Metal isn't a killer, so I added in Squirtle for an anti-fire! Deck Number 5 4 Koga's Weedle 2 Koga's Kakuna 3 Koga's Beedrill 2 Squirtle (Rocket) 2 Magby 1 Igglybuff 4 Cleffa 3 Chansey 1 Ditto 4 Professer Oak 3 Computer Search 3 Pokemon Breeder 2 Bill 3 Nightly Garbage run 3 Double Colorless Energy 20 Grass Energy Strategy Number 6 Bellosem This Flower dancer's healing power is good with a lucky toss. But Flower dance can be great. Average with just one Bellosem in play, and great with any more! Up to 120 damage! It's not likely to get out 4 stage 2, but with some card drawing power, you can maybe get 3! Deck number 6 4 Oddish 4 Gloom 4 Bellosem 1 Unown M/N/D 2 Scyther 3 Cleffa 2 Igglybuff 4 Professor Oak 3 Computer Search 2 Item Finder 4 Nightly Garbage Run 2 Double Colorless 25 Grass Energy Well, that wraps things up for today. I was kind of tired when I wrote these, so there might be a 61/59 card deck in there. Either way, next time I'll look at Erika's Victreebel, Erika's VIleplume, and go old school with Base Nidoking. I'm Jerm, I'm Great, I rule, Supercleffa@aol.com