Hey Pojomaniacs! This is Dizasterous here to talk about a really overlooked card- Forretress. Lets take a look at the family: Name: Pineco Type: Basic Pokemon Card #: 61/75 Rarity: Common Color: Grass HP: 40 Weakness: R Resistance: none Retreat: 2 Pokemon #: 204 Species: Bagworm Level: 15 Attack: [G] Burst (40) Flip a coin. If heads, Pineco does 40 damage to itself and 10 damage to each Pokemon on each player's Bench. (Don't apply Weakness and Resistance for Benched Pokemon.) Flip a coin. If tails, this attack does nothing (not even damage). Now Pineco, lets face it, sucks. Plain and simple. If it is your only basic at the start of a game, you are as good as dead! If you have it at the end, against a Rocket's Zapdos with 30 damage on it, it still sucks because of the coin flip. However, paired up with Computer Searches and Oaks, you will hopefully get Forretress out early in the game. Lets look at Forretress now: Name: Forretress Type: Stage 1-Evolves From Pineco Card #: 2/75 Rarity: Rare-Holo Color: Steel HP: 80 Weakness: R Resistance: G -30 Retreat: 3 Pokemon #: 205 Species: Bagworm Level: 40 Power: "Spikes" During your opponent's turn, whenever 1 of your opponent's Benched Pokemon becomes his or her Active Pokemon, Forretress does 10 damage to it. (Don't apply Weakness and Resistance.) This power stops working if Forretress is Asleep, Confused, or Paralyzed. Attack: [2S] Rapin Spin (30) If your opponent has any Benched Pokemon, he or she chooses 1 of them and switches it with their Active Pokemon; then, if you have any Benched Pokemon, you switch 1 of them with your Active Pokemon. (Do the damage before switching the Pokemon.) The strategy here is, well, of course, to use its Pokemon Power, Spikes, to get some free damage on the bench. Used with some Gusts of Wind to make the unpowered Steelix active, just use Rapid spin to put it back on the bench. I believe the the "Hit and Run" method is one of the most powerful in the game. Probably the worst threat to Forretress is Magby, who Forretress is weak to, stops its Pokemon Power, AND you have to flip to see if you can even attack it. Thanks for reading! Email me at Emeraldking725@netscape.net for questions or comments about pokemon. Please, No Spam or Viruses. :)