Hi, dudes. I know that a huge torrent of bile and abuse is heading the way of Pokemon VS, so I'll try to put across the defendant's case. Hopefully people will actually try out VS before slating it, unlike Prop 15. People hated it on sight, and now it's generally accepted as a viable format by the Pokemon community. This time, I hope that people will try out the new cards before insulting the new set. Here are the best points of Pokemon VS: 1) More rare cards I thought I'd start of with a plus point that everyone will agree on. The Japanese boosters have a GUARANTEED 2 HOLOS PER PACK! It would be naive to expect that we in the UK and US would get the same, but we should at least have a holo in every pack. 2) Only fully evolved Pokemon As every fan who has played the games knows, pokemon do not evolve during battle. The evolving feature of the original TCG was irritating and inaccurate. This also reflects the fact that, in a proper battle, you would use people like Poliwrath, Raichu and Tyranitar, not Meowth, Magby and Cleffa. This 'Evolved Pokemon only' rule means that it is even easier to get hold of your favourites. In the first VS set, there is even a common Charizard! 3) Poor attacks This might seem like a disadvantage at first, but it's easy to see why this is one of the cleverest features of the set. If all the attacks are of the same quality, then there will be no attacks that are far better than others. People won't have to use Slowkings and Sneasels any more! If all the Pokemon are as good as each other, then anyone will be able to play using their favourites, and still stand a chance. Also, if the attacks are weaker, than the game becomes a longer, more skillful one. There will be no more losses on turn 1. 4) No Pokemon Powers Sure, Powers are fun, and give a deck a theme, but it's far too easy to make a completely broken Power, like Slowking's or Blastoise's. (You remember, that big shelled guy who doesn't like Zapdos very much?) Without broken Pokemon Powers ruling the scene players will need skill rather than a large wallet to do well in the game. Well, I hope I've persuaded you to give VS a try. If you agree, disagree, or want to have me shot, e-mail me at doctormackerel@hotmail.com Thanks for your time. Evil Nick _________________________________________________________________ Get your FREE download of MSN Explorer at http://explorer.msn.com/intl.asp