In case you aren't  familiar with Omastar, here it is:
80 HP                                                                Fighting
1 W  Squeeze     Flip a coin. If heads, this attack does 10 damage plus 20 more        10+       
damage and the defending pokemon is now paralyzed, if tails this attack does 10
3 W  Spike Barrage  flip a number of coins equal to the number of W energy                20+
attached to Omastar. This attack does 20 damage plus 20 more damage for each heads.
Weakness Grass      Resistance XXX           Retreat 2
When I first saw this card, I thought of one card. Blastoise. But Omastar is a fighting type, so how could
I use Blasoise's power on Omastar? Simple. Pile water energy on fossil Omanyte, then evolve to Omastar. No removal gym
should help keep the water energy on.
E-mail me at (no hate mail)-if you send me a deck and want it fixed; I’ll fix it for you.