The new English Southern Islands cards Has anyone got this yet? I only bought this today for Ł15 here in England. The store only got them in yesterday as well! (I don’t know how much it is in $, but you can work that out for yourself.) The set contains 18 all-new English cards (previously only available in Japan) and there are 6 holofoils with the foil on the outside of the card (like promo Pichu). I am going to go through these cards and give you a few tips on how to use them. Here goes... Mew Card 1/18 Basic Psychic - 30 HP - Lv. 5 P: Rainbow Wave Choose a type of Energy other than C attached to Mew. This attack does 20 damage to each of your opponent's Pokémon of that type (including Benched Pokémon). Don't apply Weakness and Resistance. Weakness: P Resistance: - Retreat Cost: - Hard to use properly because you don't know what your opponent might play, and you have to get that Energy at the right time as well. It also has low HP, which means it isn't playable - not even in a combo with promo Smeargle, which would be the best way to use this card, and the most effective. Rating: 5/10 Pidgeot Card 2/18 Stage 2 Colorless (from Pidgeotto) - 70 HP - Lv. 39 2: Supersonic Flight: 40 Flip a coin. If tails, this attack does nothing. 4: Slicing Wind: 50 Weakness: L Resistance: F -30 Retreat Cost: - The second attack is nice, but the low HP isn't good. Play with Pokémon Breeder and two DCEs for 50 on turn two. Fighting resistance helps as well, as does the free retreat. 7/10 Onix Card 3/18 Basic Fighting - 90 HP - Lv. 40 2: Slam: 20x [Standard Slam text.] FFFF: Body Slam: 40 Flip a coin. If heads, the Defending Pokémon is now Paralyzed. Weakness: G Resistance: - Retreat Cost: 3 Body Slam is better than usual, and 90 HP works. The retreat cost is a little steep, but it can take a few hits. Best in a Stall deck. 7/10 Togepi Card 4/18 Basic Colorless - 40 HP - Lv. 10 1: Bawl: 10 Flip a coin. If heads, the Defending Pokémon is now Confused. Weakness: - Resistance: P -30 Retreat Cost: 1 The chance for first-turn Confusion is good, and without a weakness, this might be playable - despite its low HP. 7/10 Ivysaur Card 5/18 Stage 1 Grass (from Bulbasaur) - 60 HP - Lv. 23 G: Strange Scent Each player flips a coin. Each player who gets heads chooses a total of 3 damage counters from among his or her Pokémon and removes them. (If the player's Pokémon have fewer total damage counters than that, he or she removes all of them.) GG: Razor Leaf: 30 Weakness: R Resistance: - Retreat Cost: 1 Good defensive Pokémon, even though your opponent has the chance to remove damage counters as well. Razor Leaf is OK, but not great. Maybe play with Damage Swap and Chansey? 6/10 Raticate Card 6/18 Stage 1 Colorless (from Rattata) - 60 HP - Lv. 25 2: Sharp Teeth: 10+ Flip a coin. If heads, this attack does 10 damage plus 30 more damage; if tails, this attack does 10 damage. Weakness: F Resistance: P -30 Retreat cost: - The attack is nice if you get heads, but it requires a coin flip, and it makes it too unreliable to be good. 4/10 Ledyba Card 7/18 Basic Grass - 40 HP - Lv. 12 1: Gnaw: 10 GG: Agility: 20 [Standard Agility text.] Weakness: R Resistance: F -30 Retreat cost: 1 The low HP hurts it, but its Agility is one of the cheaper ones out there. It certainly needs a way to keep itself alive - and it does. Possibly playable. 7/10 Jigglypuff Card 8/18 Colorless Basic - 50 HP - Lv. 10 1: Tempting Eyes Choose 1 of your opponent’s Benched Pokémon and switch it with the Defending Pokémon. 1: Sing Flip a coin. If heads, the Defending Pokémon is now Asleep. Weakness: F Resistance: P -30 Retreat Cost: 1 Absolutely terrible. Tempting Eyes is a Gust of Wind that ends your turn, and Sing is just mediocre. Use the Jungle Jigglypuff - it’s much better. 2/10 Butterfree Card 9/18 Grass Stage 2 (from Metapod) - 80 HP - Lv. 37 3: Fly: 30 [Standard Fly text.] GG1: Rainbow Powder: 20 Flip a coin. If heads, the Defending Pokémon is now Paralyzed. If tails, the Defending Pokémon is now Confused. Weakness: R Resistance: F -30 Retreat Cost: 1 Not too sure about this. Fly is still not that good, and Rainbow Powder is, but it might be a little expensive. The Neo Discovery one is still the best. 7/10 Tentacruel Card 10/18 Water Stage 1 (from Tentacool) - 60 HP - Lv. 30 W: Tentacle Grip Flip a number of coins equal to the number of W Energy attached to Tentacruel. For each heads, draw 2 cards. WW: Poison Sting: 20 Flip a coin. If heads, the Defending Pokémon is now Paralyzed. (Must be a misprint?) Weakness: L Resistance: - Retreat Cost: 1 Near essential in Water decks. The first attack is brilliant with four or five Energy attached - you can draw a good four to six cards in one go. The second attack can’t be right, but it’s a good way to keep it alive. The best card in the set - especially with a Rain Dance engine. 9/10 Marill Card 11/18 Basic Water - 40 HP - Lv. 10 W: Squirt Choose 1 of your opponent’s Pokémon. This attack does 10 damage to that Pokémon. Don’t apply Weakness and Resistance. 2: Rolling Tackle: 20 Weakness: L Resistance: - Retreat Cost: 1 Not great. Small Basics must be able to keep themselves alive, and this one, well, doesn’t. Not good. 4/10 Lapras Card 12/18 Basic Water - 70 HP - Lv. 30 1: Gentle Song If Lapras has any damage counters on it, remove 2 of them from it (1 if it only has 1). If the Defending Pokémon has any damage counters on it, remove 2 of them from it (1 if it only has 1). The Defending Pokémon is now Asleep. WW: Ice Beam: 20 Flip a coin. If heads, the Defending Pokémon is now Paralyzed. Weakness: L Resistance: - Retreat Cost: 1 Gentle Song is more useful than it seems, and Ice Beam is a solid attack. Goes well with its Fossil cousin. 8/10 Exeggutor Card 13/18 Stage 1 Grass (from Exeggcute) - 70 HP - Lv. 27 G: Sharpshooter Choose 1 of your opponent’s Pokémon. Flip a number of coins equal to the number of G Energy attached to Exeggutor. This attack does 10 damage times the number of heads to that Pokémon. Don’t apply Weakness and Resistance. Weakness: R Resistance: - Retreat Cost: 2 Has “combo” written all over it. Great with Meganium, but even then, it’s a little too unpredictable. Still, it’s good to get round resistance for Metal Pokémon. Might see some play. 7/10 Slowking Card 14/18 Stage 1 Psychic (from Slowpoke) - 70 HP - Lv. 36 P: Revelation Flip a coin. If heads, search your deck for a Trainer card, show it to your opponent, and put it into your hand. Shuffle your deck afterward. P1: Psychic: 10+ [Standard Psychic text.] Weakness: P Resistance: - Retreat Cost: 2 Not very good. Revelation would be good if it didn’t require a coin flip, and Psychic is too expensive and doesn’t get around resistance very effectively. 5/10 Wartortle Card 15/18 Stage 1 Water (from Squirtle) - 60 HP - Lv. 20 WW: Water Gun: 20+ [Standard Water Gun text.] Weakness: L Resistance: - Retreat Cost: 1 Very average. Nothing special to say, except that the Base Wartortle is better. 6/10 Lickitung Card 16/78 Basic Colorless - 70 HP - Lv. 25 1: Lick Wounds Flip a coin. If heads, choose 1 Pokémon (yours or your opponent’s) with damage counters on it and remove 2 damage counters from it (1 if it only has 1). 2: Tongue Stretch Flip a coin. If heads, choose 1 of your opponent’s Pokémon. This attack does 20 damage to that Pokémon. Don’t apply Weakness and Resistance. Weakness: F Resistance: P -30 Retreat Cost: 2 Horrible. Two Energy gives you a chance to do 20 damage. Terrible. 3/10 Vileplume Card 17/18 Grass Stage 2 (from Gloom) - 70 HP - Lv. 30 G: Paradise Pollen Flip a coin. If heads, remove 2 damage counters from Vileplume (1 if it only has 1). Then, if you have any Benched Pokémon with damage counters on them, choose 1 of them and remove 2 damage counters from it (1 if it only has 1). GG1: Horrid Pollen: 30 Flip a coin. If heads, the Defending Pokémon is now Paralyzed. If tails, the Defending Pokémon is now Confused. Weakness: R Resistance: - Retreat Cost: 2 Great! The first attack is good, but the second attack is fantastic. A guaranteed status effect and damage for three Energy is too good to be true. Attack, then remove damage counters with Paradise Pollen. 8/10 Primeape Card 18/18 Stage 1 Fighting (from Mankey) - 60 HP - Lv. 26 F: Low Kick: 20 FF: Rampage: 20+ Does 20 damage plus 10 more damage for each damage counter on Primeape. Flip a coin. If tails, Primeape is now Confused (after doing damage). Weakness: P Resistance: - Retreat Cost: 1 This is rather interesting. Rampage can dish out a lot, but make sure you attach Gold Berry to heal it after you attack. If it gets Confused, use Full Heal or Miracle Berry during your next turn. With this combo, it’s brilliant. Without it, it’s bad. 6/10 So there you have it. I hope you can find something useful from these cards - I know I have. Have fun! (Oh, by the way, I thought they were meant to come out in September?) Graham Humphrey (send me your decks to be fixed, card tips, rule queries, feedback to my tips, anything!) Enjoy! _________________________________________________________________ Get your FREE download of MSN Explorer at