Hi fans of poke'mon... I've never been one to follow the crowd but I know
that the card I'm going to talk about today is hardly ever used...the
underrated, defender.

Things To Consider
Playing defender on a baby poke'mon is great. With the baby rule, no
weakness, and 20 more hp, killing the baby will be hard, making it a great
stall. [GLitcH's note: That however would only work one turn, you'd have to
discard the Defender next turn.]

Play defender on Mr. Mime. It will be invincible for a turn. Oak for another
and make it invincible again.

A favorite of Haymakers, Hitmonchan cannot deal first turn damage as could
anything else with a one energy attack. [GLitcH's note: Assuming you're going
first... ]

Great combo with gust of wind. Bring out something that can only do 30 then
reduce it to 10 and beat it down.

Those are great examples of why the card defender is worth a second look...

Questions or comments? Send them to...