>From: Masonjames@aol.com >Subject: Poke class:lesson one:how to use meowth promo game boy >edition.-mason bliss >Hello some of you might remember me!i'm giving poke lessons for free.this >is >lesson #1,how to use meowth promo game boy edition. > >50 HP >this isn't bad for a basic pkmn....but just keep potions in your deck if >you >put him in there. > >( * )( * ) Cat Punch >Flip a coin.If heads, this attack does 20 damage.If tails,and if your >opponent >has any benched pokemon,he or she chooses one of them and this attack does >20 >damage to it.(Don't apply weakness and ressistance for benched pokemon) > >Weakness:Fighting,Rock,or Ground. >This weakness isn't bad,but alot of decks include that type of energy so >have >plenty of defenders and plus powers.(4 is max) > >Resistance:Psychic,or Ghost. >I like this one.when people have a deck with psychic and ghost,they have >alot >of that type. > >Retreat cost: ( * ) >If you need to retreat,than this is a good retreat cost!one energy! wow! > >Stratagie: >If you have meowth in your hand,and have other basic's in your hand (or if >you draw meowth later in the game,)put meowtrh on the bench and load >him.If your active pokemon gets knocked out,switch with meowth.if you still >need another energy for meowth,than choose another.if meowth is the only >one >on your bench,than choose meowth.But hopefully meowth will be loaded.Use >Cat >punch,and hope you get heads,than,next turn,use some trainers on meowth or >something....than switch meowth with another benched pokemon.repeat if >possible. > >Well um,got to go now so,bye! >My e-mail is Masonjames@aol.com > _________________________________________________________________ MSN Photos is the easiest way to share and print your photos: http://photos.msn.com/support/worldwide.aspx