Hi everyone. My name is Christina, and this is the first thing I've ever sent
to Pojo's, incase you care. I'm an organize freak, and my favorite things to
organize are my pokemon cards. I've looked at some people's collections, and
they are usually a total mess. ( I usually end up organizing it for them)  So
I'm gonna tell you how I organize my cards, and if you feel like it, do it
for your cards.

Ok, heres what you need--
1 -  plastic sandwich bags (1 for every type, plus trainers and a double
cards. that makes   nine, but you might need 2 for 1 type, like grass)
2 - some kind of box (shoe or clothes)

Here's what you do--
1- sort your cards into their seperate piles. (grass, fire, water, trainers,
2 - if you want, you can organize those even more. I have all the cards in
each section sorted be their #s. Once you have each pile sorted, put the
energys of that type on top of the pile. (also make a pile for double cards.
sometimes you have 500 of one card, and you can take the extra 495 and put
them in their own seperate bag and get them out of the way)
3 - put them in the bags, then in the box
4 - there, your done (you could decorate the box if you want)

I know you probably think I'm insane for organizing my cards, but it's nice
to have them that way. This is TOTALLY worth it. It makes it WAY easier to
make a deck, because you know where all your cards are. It just looks better,
too. If you want to do this, go ahead, and if you don't, ok then.

send whatever to pineapplez222@yahoo.com