Hey, kids.  I have a few little strategies to vent out in a spiffy gust of

Promo Smeargle - When I got this card... ... I laughed, but then lots of
stuff came to mind.  I truely hate Sneazle and the likes of him.  Smeargle's
attack allows you to change the type of the defending to anything except
colorless if you get heads on a flip.  It never goes away and it can be
changed at any time.  Yeah!  Now if I hit sneazle with it, it automatically
does 10 damage for every dark energy on him since he's no longer dark...
each and every turn until he's knocked out.  He can also develope a
resistance to any pokemon by changing them to psychic... now sneazle's
psychic... yeah!  You can also use this against any dark or steel pokemon. 
only disadvantages... coin flip, 40hp, retreat cost of *.

Charizard - I truely dislike people's misunderstanding for the big lug.  Use
him with typhlosion.  The deck may be weak to water, but trust me, it works.
  You can use charizards attack just about every turn.

Nidoqueen - No body understands the advantage of her.  For the right deck,
she can dish out 80-100 damage for 2 energy cards.  The deck I constructed
for her works, but it only had 12 grass energies.  In three turns I could
get 2 nidokings and one queen up.

Misty's Gyrados - Use it with Muk... the pokemon power that would possibly
put it back into the deck no longer works and neither does any other powers.

Promo zapdos - Use defenders or gold berries... his attack does either 30
damage to him and the defending or 30 damage to the defending AND a benched
character.  EVIL!!!!  I can't believe there are few decks posted with him in

Koga - MEAN... you figure it out.
Erika - The only other gym leader card I use.  Good with imp. oak revenge.

Tickle Machine + Imp. Oak - Interesting when your opponent has 14 cards out
and you have a fully powered moltres.

Slowking + Moltres - VERY EVIL!!!!  Oh, you didn't get to use that prof. oak
card and had to put it on top of your deck...  guess what...
WILDFIRE!!!!!!!!!!!!!  Grrrr... he's an angry pickle!!!  It makes the deck
even more mean if there's a couple noctowls.

Moltres and typhlosion - Those cards that were burned by wildfire... they're
now reattaching themselves to moltres to have another go at it.

ERIKA'S VILEPLUME AND GOLD BERRY - One of my favorites.  Go through the game
without fear or damage (for the most part)

Steelix + Rainbow E. + Steel E. - Put a steel energy down and then put a
rainbow.  rainbow is now steel without the added effects of steel and you
don't take damage from rainbow's effects.  Neat huh?... Now try dark
energy... just kiddin'... you'd still take damage for that one.

Cleffa... or smeargle + steel - Make him last alittle longer this way...
they don't do damage anyway.

I'll have more later, I suppose... THESE ARE FUN IDEAS!!!  PLEASE TRY AT

Austin "Danger" Boswell