Okay, first off; this Scyther at first glance does look rather attractive but
let us dig a little deeper and find out the real good stuff.

1- It does, on average, as much damage as Jungle Scyther.
 Mewlennium said that it can deal an average of 35 damage per turn.  This is
ALMOST as much as Jungle Scyther.  However you have the 2 disadvantages of
lower HP and a retreat cost to accompany your wannabe Jungle Scy.

2-The retreat cost.
 Back to the above statement it has a retreat cost.  So, it is not as viable
as the other Scyther.  Sometimes you just need that extra little somebody to
give a splash or just be a great staller.  Neo 2 Scyther is terrible at that!

3-2 grass Energy for an unreliable attack.
This is where we really start to see that this is a card not to be slammed
into every deck.  Not even a Grass deck can just use this guy withouth some
major strategizing.  I'm not saying that you don't have to strategize with
the other Scyther.  He just has a much more reliable attack.  In short the
Energy Cost is too great.  Sure you can deal up to 90 damage but you said
yourself that the odds are slim.  Chances are you will rarely get the big
damage when you need it most.

4-It gives a respectable amount of damage???
Well, I guess.  But there are better ways to deal damage.  35 damage is not
really all that much better than the Jungle Scyther.  Why would we even
consider swithiching over?  

Overall I would give this card; on your scale and 2/5.  It has too many
strikes against it to be REALLY worht it.  

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