Hello everyone!
I'm here to talk about an awesome combo I thought of. It uses the cards Goop Gas Attack (GGA), Movie Promo Entei (MPE), and Fossil Muk. The goal of this combo is to avoid Entei's Pokemon Power, Bolt. For those who don't know the card, here it is:
Entei    80HP
weak: water
resist: N/A
retreat: C
Pokemon Power: Bolt: Whenever an attack damages Entei, flip a coin. If tails, return Entei and all attached cards into your deck.
FFF  Protective Flame (50 damage) : During your opponent's next turn, prevent all effects of attacks, including damage, done to your bench Pokemon.
This card would probably score, on a scale of one to ten, a 9 without his stinky pokemon power. Take a look:
            Pros of Bolt                                                                        Cons of Bolt
*if about to faint, can return to deck for                                 *even wimpy 10 damage can return him to deck.          
second chance                                                                  *won't last long
                                                                                        *have to draw all over again if tails
Now for the combo. All you have to do is get a Muk on your bench, use his power and Bolt doesn't work anymore!! Now you're probably thinking what about Goop gas? Well, if Entei is in play, but you don't have a Muk, use GGA as a substitute. If you built a deck around this strategy, then I'll bet it would rock the house! Try it and see.
PS. if you have a deck built that uses this strategy, e-mail me!
send questions, comments, and tips to:  mariomaniacs@home.com   NO hate mail please!