Hey everybody,
It's me again, I know I've been saying a lot, but somethings just need to be
said. I've noticed that some people are totally overlooking all these good
cards in place of Sneasal, Wiggly, and stuff. If when I started playing
Pokemon in the first month that it came out, when Base Set was the only Set,
if I could have 5 of the cards that you guys get in Gym Sets, Neo, etc, back
in 1999, there would be no doubt, that my deck would have something that no
other deck had, and be close to being unbeatable. ( However, no deck is
unbeatable.) Here's just a tad little peaksy at some of the cards that "I"
think are really good.

1-Milk Drink- Flip 2 coins, for every head, take 2 Damage Counters of Miltank.
3-Body Slam-20 Damage-Flip 1 coin, if heads, the defending pokemon is now

It has a perfectly good attack, 20 damage isn't a whole lot, but is useful,
also being able to heal itself is a bonus. However Body Slam is a tad energy
expensive, but with the help of a Double Colorless, it's set.

Brock's Lickitung-80HP
2-Tounge Slam-20
3-Slam-Flip 2 coins for every Head, deal 30 damage to the defending Pokemon.

This is a good Pokemon. First turn a hit with a DC, than next turn a Slam,
which if odds are  with you, will deal 30 Damage. Retreat is High, but that's
ok. With  80 HP, it does fine.

I could go into more. However, I think you all understand my point. See ya.


E-mail me at- Lufta44@aol.com or Luffstuff@aol.com