Hey! I just thought I'd respond to what you said so you don't Confuse anyone.

     Everybody's so intent on tearing and bashing "weak" cards... Why don't
you try to do like I did, and find at least semi-useful strategies for the
lesser-used guys? Let your Wigglys get a litte dusty; they won't mind! Here's
a few quick ones that I like to use:

I completely agree with this. Put some effort into a for fun deck instead of
your usually Sneasel, Wigglytuff, etc. It gets boring to play and to play

Shocker~ I found a use for Base Gastly! Holy Cow! Use its Destiny Bond in
tandem with your EcoGym, and you've got a quick stalling mechanism.

This will not work. EcoGym only works when your opponent discards the Energy
from you. As in a Energy Removal or Super Energy Removal. Good try though.

Not original, but nice~ Use your Fossil Slowpoke with EcoGym and NGRs (or
even Trash Exchange and Item Finders, for the adventurous), and you've got a
great  way to vacuum up your discarded toys.

I love little Slowpoke for many reasons I will not discuss (this is what
happens when you become enrarged on killing Slowpokes before they are
Slowkings.) This combo we not work with EcoGym because your opponent isn't
discarding the energy.

This is good for a casual deck~ Drive your opponent crazy using Blastoise
with EcoGym, Golduck, Dark Vaporeon, No Removal Gym, and SER. You can totally
control their energy deployment, sending many turns' worth of energy back to
their hand (since EcoGym is on the table, after all). Careful, though, this
can probably be quickly foiled by another Blastoise deck.

I don't know how you are going to use both No Removal Gym and EcoGym at once.
Dosen't make since. And why send it back to their hand when you could just
send it to their discard? That could even hurt a Blastoise deck.

This is storpid-monke signing off. Bye for now. Any stuff you want to say to
me E-Mail me at Omantye77@cs.com. c-ya!