It seems that Neo2 is going to bring a lot of new "add-ons" to existing
archetypes.  Now, one of these archetypes, the Hunter, will be getting one,
no, make that two of the best Hunter-type Pokemon known to the deck.  I am,
of course, talking about Yanma, and Umbreon.

HP 60

[G] Shockwave
Flip a coin. If heads, this attack does 10 damage to each of your opponent’s
Benched Pokémon. Then choose one of your opponent's benched Pokémon and
switch it with the Defending Pokémon.

[GGG] Swift 30
Ignore Weakness, Resistance, and Pokémon Powers for this attack.

Retreat: [None]
Weakness: R
Resistence: F-30

Now, Hunter decks are all about Bench Disruption and Hand Control.  This
falls under Benched Disruption.  10 damage to all of your opponent's benched
Pokemon (That is, granted, you flip Heads).  Hunter decks have been waiting
for a card like this for some time now.  It's a great card that will benifit
Hunter decks greatly.  Now, onto the Pokemon that will be a combo with this

HP 80

[CC] Bite 20

[DDC] Moonlight
Choose one of your Opponent’s Pokémon and this attack does 30 damage to it
(don’t apply Weakness, Resistance, or Pokémon Powers).

Retreat: C
Weakness: [None]
Resistence: P-30

Now this is one of the, if not the, best Hunter Pokemon.  The main point of
Umbreon is his second attack, Moonlight.   You can hit any Pokemon of your
choosing for a definate 30 damage.  That corrupts your opponent's bench. 
Then, just go in with the easy kills from Umbreon and your Support Hitter. 
Here is my Neo2 Prototype deck that will utilize both these Pokemon.

ShadowBlade v1.0

[Pokemon]: 15

4x [Neo2] Eevee [Speed]
4x Umbreon [Main Hitter]
4x Yanma [Setup]
3x Scyther [Support Hitter]

[Trainers]: 26

4x Oak [Draw Power]
4x CPU [Draw Power]
3x IOR [Disruption]
3x Erika [Control]
3x No Removal Gym [Protection]
3x Erika’s Perfume [Control]
3x Lass [Disruption]
3x Gold Berry [Rescue]

[Energy]: 19

9x Grass [Fuel]
4x Dark [Fuel]
3x Rainbow [Support]
3x DCE [Support]

Strategy: Go Bench-Hunting.  Start up with Yanmas and do as much damage to
the bench as you can.  Then bring in Umbreon and start hitting the opponent's
bench hard.  After that, finish the opponent off with Umbreon and Scyther. 


Some good combos with Umbreon and the deck are:

Umbreon+Gold Berry: Keep yourself alive and kicking with 80 HP and and
guranteed salvation;-)

Umbreon+Dark Energies: Okay, not really combo since you need it to use
Umbreon's main attack, but while you do 30 to the opponent's benched Pokemon,
you do 50 damage to the defending Pokemon.  Cool, huh?

IOR+Erika: Let the opponent get a big enough hand, then IOR them.  They have
to get a new hand, short of 3 cards, and you have a big card advantage over

Perfume+Umbreon: Get the opponent to put do sucky basics early, then destroy
them with Umbreon.  (Hopefully, you'll get out a Turn 2 or 3 Umbreon, thanks
to Eevee's Power which let's you flip a coin; if Heads, search your deck for
a Pokemon that evolves from Eevee and a corresponding Energy card; Very
Helpful =D)

And that wraps up my overview of the Hunter deck, and how much support it's
going to get with the release of Neo2.  Sorry if this article was too long
for you, but I love Hunter decks, and I had to type up something about them,
as I haven't seen an article on Hunters (If I missed an article about this
deck, don't bast me!).


Questions? Comments? Praise for such a good article?[j/k;-)]
Email me at: