Re:  Baby Pokemon and their uses

Cleffa - one attacks with a Bill, and one with a Professor Oak - excellent
card to put in with a Dark Vileplume deck (I've found), to provide these
trainer-like abilities when you can't play trainers.

Magby - I have to disagree with the original posters comment about him not
being too good - he disables Pokemon Powers until the end of your next
turn... meaning Dark Vileplume is essentially "turned off" for your
opponents turn AND your next turn (If I'm remembering the card correctly)

I have heard that Igglybuff's ability is similar - but targets only 1 PP
power of your opponents...

Anyway, I'm still trying to figure out the best way to counteract Magby
(given that I play a Dark Vileplume Deck)... the only thing I have done so
far that has worked is to bring up Erika's Dragonair and Take Away on it,
but would LOVE to come up with other solutions - its quite the threat to my

Thanks for listening - comments welcome.
Stephanie K.