Dear Doll,

    I hope I didn't make any mistakes here now.

Dear PokeMike and anyone who read his previous article,

    NO, it doesn't work like what PokeMike said. Dark energy and steel
doesn't cancels off each another.

Dark Energy
+10 DMG when attack to the defending pokemon
+10 DMG to self 'every turn' if Pokemon is not Dark

Steel Energy
-10 DMG recieved from 'opponent's attack'
-10 DMG dealt to opponent if Pokemon is not Steel

When you add 2 energies togather, you'll get

normal damage
receive one damage everyturn
defending pokemon deals one less damage to you every turn
waist of 2 turns attaching energy

Hope this Helps!

    I'd like to take this opportunity to promote the use of Murkrow. Most
people(even Pojo Deck Fixers) think Murkrow as a bech hitting pokemon and
sometimes stall.
    Some suggest that Murkrow should be included with no removal status
trainers or anti-trainers.
    I'd like to review Murkrow from a different point of view.

    Firstly, Murkrow's main drawback is HP not Dark Energy. Maybe including
some potions should help a little. Then, if you are planning to focus on
Murkrow, try adding energy charge instead of ecogym or no removal gym. Okay,
let's get to business!

    Murkrow's second attack can attack any of opponent's pokemon. This means
knocking out pokemons like hot cakes! Instead of playing the slow way, use
energy removals! Yes, I mean energy removal. A hardcore disable deck!

     Maybe you haven't forgotten that the key to victory is to take control
of the battlefield and knockout 6 pokemons. Basically, there are 2
approaches from here. You could use 2 dark energies on Murkrow and deal 40
damage, with 1 plus power it kills most basic! Plus, comparative to the
power pack Sneasel, Erika's Dratini is not a problem for this pokemon.
Sprout Tower doesn't hurt Murkrow either. So, basically, it's also a power
basic. It beats Hitmonchan flat in

a) fighting resistance
b) speed!

      HP is not a problem when your opponent can't attack(no energy).

      Another approach would be adding 4 Gust of Wind and 4 Pokemon
Flute(which many presume as useless?). All you need to do is to bring back
the old 30-40 HP pokemon into action and knock it out on the turn itself.
After all, it's 6 prizes that matters, right? Maybe some item finder and
computer search would help to boost up the effects.

       If I am not wrong, Murkrow might work with steel energy too?(for bech
hitting) but I need to do further research before I proceed. Assume this as
not true.

Happy Gaming!!!

Taka Loy
Kingdra: the all powerful pokemon! awesome attacks!
         <--- it's true.. has a perfect evolution line!

Mailer's Infomation:

Taka Loy