Dear Mr. cocky dude,

        I would like to point out that you said that you played Feraligatr in your deck, yet you hate (and have evidently banned) super energy removals. I was wondering if you have actually looked at Feraligatr's attack, or have you never actually played, or do you think that everyone who writes comments to you is an idiot? If so, then I will point out that while it costs three water energy to play Feraligatr's attack, the attacks' power increases as more water energies are discarded. Also, if you really are desperate, you could try Eco gym (oops, I forgot, they are "LUCK" cards that are banned because they only help "certain" cards). Also, Blastoises' power says that you may attach more than water energy to a pokemon this turn. I'm sure that you, being the all-powerful and all-knowing  pokemon player that you are, have thought of putting search cards in your deck, or are they banned too? If so, then I believe that you are the cocky idiot that many have described you as, and you should either realize what you are writing or you should sell your deck.

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