Hi again, guys!
I'm here to answer the challenge of Second Turn Damage... I CAN DO 590 POINTS!!! UAHAHAHAHA!!! I'm just joking...
Well... let I show how can I do it!
By the first rule, my rival begins... He put an Oddish, and 3 more on the bench! I put a Smeargle, and on the bench, 4 Oddish
and a Voltorb! He just pass his turn... In mine, i put an energy on Smeargle, use 'Paint'to change the type of Oddish to
Fightning (who has weakness to Grass!)... On my adversary turn, he evolves the 4 of his Oddish to Bellossom (using
Breeder...), and pass! Now... I use a Scoop Up in the Smeargle, put Voltorb in play and evolve it to Base Electrode... add a
Ditto to bench... put a Darkness energy on him...
Use 'Buzzap' of Electrode and add more two grass energy on Ditto... Put
Ditto in play, and it'll transform into Bellossom! Now, use the 'Flower Dance' (Does 30 damage times the number of cards with
Bellossom in their names that you have in play (including this one).) with 4 Pluspower!
The math!
30 x 9 Bellossom (the 4 of your rival, plus 4 in your bench and this one!) = 270 x 2 (the Weakness..) = 540 + 10 (the
Darkness energy) = 550 + 40 (4 Pluspower) = 590!!!
WHOA!!! I COULD DO IT!! Thank you, guys!!!
Any commentary? Suggestions? Only the purpose to talk? Send me a Mail!