I have been thinking...stall is pretty old and useless now, with
super-fast-hard-hitting decks tearing them to shreds...well, stall has a
drawing card, and it isn't Erika! Sabrina's Gaze! If you didn't know, the
card reads:

Each player shuffles his or her hand into his or her deck and draws a new
hand of the same number of cards.

So, your opponent gets a new hand, big deal. If you're stalling they'll end
up drawing everything, right? You get a new hand too, but you don't loose any
cards from your deck. Stall sometimes needs to cycle through its cards to get
that last Chansey or Scoop Up or Alakazam.

This may be old news, but I think more people need to realize this card.
Bring back stall! ;)

-Samantha 129