This Strategy will work best in the next season of the Pokémon Trading Card Game Tour.  Some of you might know that there is a special challenge issued by WotC.  It says "Damage from your Pokémon is cut in half, rounded down. (For example, if your Pokémon normally does 50 damage, it now does 20 damage instead.)" So, when you play a Challenge battle during Season 3, your Pokémon will do half damage. But remember: The trainer you are battling will not be playing under the Gym Trainer Challenge rules, so your Pokémon will be taking full damage from all of your opponent's attacks.
    This Strategy majorly favors the trainer not playing the challenge. Let's say you are fighting sneasle with erika's ivysaur, your opponent has a full bench,sneasle has 4 Dark energies, and your opponent gets all heads on his or her flips.  That equals 160 damage.  After Ivysaurs power the total damage is 80, and after the challenge the total damage is 40.  If you throw in some Metal Energy that reduces the damage even more, and don't forget about defenders.  To counter the bad side of Ivysaur's power you can throw in Elekid.  Elekid's power is not an attack. So Ivysaur's power doesn't effect elekid.
Here is Erika's Ivysaur card.
Name:        Erika's Ivysaur
Type:        Stage 1 -- Evolves from Erika's Bulbasaur
Card #:      card 41/132
Rarity:      Uncommon
Color:       Grass
HP:          60 HP
Weakness:    R
Resistance:  none
Retreat:     2
Pokemon #:   2
Species:     Seed
Level:       22
Power:       "Relaxing Scent"
             As long as Erika's Ivysaur is your Active Pokemon, whenever an
             attack (even your own) does damage to any Pokemon (after applying
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