Hello Pojo I have some things to say to all fellow pokemon trainers You probably won't post this message but at least read it please I recently went to a tournament in a local card shop. I didn't enter since spots were full but i watched people play. There were about 25 people many were little kids and a few mature looking people. But all I have to say is, THESE PEOPLE WERE OUT OF CONTROL!!! I mean them little BRATS were pushing and shoving each other and kickin and screamin. I just couldn't understand why. I mean why can't parents take control of their kids? While I stood there watching all the other older players left in disgust while the little kids kept fighting. And soon I finally found out why. They were arguing over little things like the rules of the game or which card is better than the other. And true, arguments like that can get little kids excited. But they went too far. It was outrageous. Cards getting tossed on the floor, good holos ripped up. Then the parents finally stepped in and took their kids away. Now they are never going to host a tourney again, in fear a riot would start again. Now that really blows. But there are always alternatives, and I am waiting for the Pokemon League to come to the Wizards store I live near at the Mall of America. And now another outrage, Wizards have decided that the new retail value of one booster pack is 3.29. Their reason for doing this is because the game is in "high demand". A perfect chance for Wizards to make more money. Why don't Wizards just get off their lazy asses and print more cards to meet their "demand". Wizards is in this only for the money. When I first saw a booster pack for Magic, I thought "hmm not bad, 2.99 for 15 cards" then pokemon came along and its boosters were 2.99 for 11 cards. For a game that needs only a 60 card deck to play, I thought that wasn't too bad. And the artwork is nice and colorful with a chance of a cool looking holo. But now Wizards is in this for the money. And that blows as well. What's with all these people "ranting" on and on how one card is better than another and that " I'm gonna whoop your ass" lecture? Every card has its advantages and disadvantages and no card is broken unless it really is. No matter how good a card really is, there is always a weakness to it, whether it's big or small. Another thing is, people often don't read a card carefully and examine everything. Take an example, some people have given strategies on how Blastoise's Raindance power can be used with Charizard. Raindance will only attach water energies to WATER pokemon, not any kind of pokemon. If it did, I consider the card broken and worth the most. Which means in order to become a pokemon master you must keep an open mind and study carefully each and every detail. I have tried explaining this to many people but some just won't understand. Please feel free to mail me MasterVL kenle@sprintmail.com