Dear Bill, Please post this article in the strategy section of the Pojo. Thanks sincerely, The Pokemon Lady ************************************************************* Friends of Pokemon, I have seen the light! Have you ever wanted a way that you could play Pokemon at 4:30 am? Have you ever wanted to playtest that new deck you built, but the tournament you were planning to enter was the next day? Are you tired of playing the same 6 people, with the same 6 decks, day after? day? If so: I URGE you to get yourself a copy of Apprentice and the Pokemon patch that goes with it. I didn't realize until last night just how cool it was! I had heard my friend Tim talk up about Apprentice for weeks, and friends from the old Magic days raved about it, but I had never experienced the thrill. What it is: Apprentice is a program that allows you to build a Pokemon deck, using all the cards from the Base set, plus all the cards from the Jungle, Fossil, and Rocket expansions. You then can either play a solitare (against yourself) game, or you can go online and battle another Pokemon player! The commands are simple and easy to understand, and linking up to another player only requires them knowing your ISP address, which Apprentice tells you! Where can I find Apprentice? Lucky for us, ThePojo is a cool dude! There is a link (a number of them actually) on the main page of the Pojo site which will link you to the Apprentice and Apprentice Patch pages. When I downloaded it, it was about 8 PM, and the download of both of them only took about 20 minutes. Setup was easy, and within 20 min of download I was making my deck. Where do I find people to play against? You can find them here if you've got GOOEY, or on the IRC chat #pokemon, or you can trade numbers at Pokemon Tourneys and stuff! Seriously people! Use Apprentice to playtest your decks--check them out before you walk into a tourney. Test them out before you send them to the Pojo for the guys to look at. The key to becoming a Pokemon Master is to practice, play, and win--and apprentice will help you achieve that goal! ~The Pokemon Lady icq# 34137285 (buzz me for an apprentice game) gooeyId: MdmPokemon (buzz me for an apprentice game)