Are you sick of wiggly decks? Ya just wish you could kill it but it
keeps hitin ya with 60 due to a full bench? What is there to do? KILL
Yes, kill the bench or make sure they dont fill their bench. I have
found the top 6 ways to do so.

#6. TR Diglet: You can do 10 damage to any of your opp.s pkmn.

#5. TR or GB Meowth, Dark Golbat, Hitmonlee: does 20 damage to any of
your opp.s pkmn. TR Meowth requires you flip a coin.

#4. Aerodactal: Your opponent cant even play Wiggly.

#3. Dark Vileplume, Rocket Sneak Attack: Plume doesnt alow trainers to
be played.
(Like M.Fossil or C.Doll), Sneak attack gets rid of them strait fron the

#2. Small Gym: Only alows 4 on each bench, it can only be removed by
another stadium card.

#1. Dark Raichu, Fossil Raichu, Jungle Pikachu: All do damage to Wiggly
and hurt benched pkmn at the same time. D.R. does 30 to Wiggly and 20 to
one benched, F.R. Does 20 and 10 to three benched and J.P. can do 20 and
10 to a benched

If ya have a better idea or like my ideas
Emali me at