First of all I want to say your site is the BEST!!!!!!!!!!
         Now please post this in your single cards top ten section, my
brother's got posted so I'm a bit jealous.

              The  best cards!

#10-Beedrill- Poison Sting is awesome! It does 40/50 damage for just three
energy! Twin-needle is really good if you get two heads in a row.

#9-Machamp- His poke'power is GREAT! And seismic toss is REALLY cool for
just four energy.

#8- Chansey- Double edge is pretty good if you have an Alakazam in your
deck. Scrunch is OK.

#7- Raichu(basic)- I think agility is REALLY cool! Thunder is just a
smaller version of seismic toss for the same energy and damage... BUT you
might do 30 to yourself.

#6- Dragonair- Hyper beam is THE bomb, plus having a move mimicking
Beedrill's Twin needle. 80 hp for a stage one aint too shabby either.

#5- Venusaur- Sweet poke'power, plus 100hp and an extremely good attack,
you've got yourself your #5

#4- Gyarados- One of only two poke'cards to have 100hp for a stage one. I
love bubblebeam and when I'm low on energy I use Dragon rage.

#3- Blastoise- The BEST poke'power plus sweet hp and not too bad unevolved
forms and you've got your #3 poke'card.

#2Promo (movie) Pikachu- Good hp for a basic recharge is good letting you
attacha possible 2 energies on Pikachu in a turn. If you didn't have to
discard all energies he would be #1.

#1- VILEPLUME!!!!- Very under-rated card  being able to do 120 damage for
just three energies. His poke'power could be better though. HE

Bye bye,
                -Allison Collier-