Hey people it's Ben here & I got to tell y'all about Pika Text (short for Pikachu's pokemon card in jungle, promo, and
basic text.) Well, it's all messed up. Why won't W.O.T.C. put the right text in? Makes no sense to me. So, mind as well tell you about Pika Text.
1. Promo Pika
When several of these Pokemon gather,  they attract so much                                                                                                    electricity that they can cause lightning to strike.
2. Basic Pika
When several of these Pokemon gather, their electricity can cause lightning storms.
3. Jungle Pika
When several of these Pokemon gather, their electricity can build and cause lightning storms.
Well, according to Pokemon Red version, then...
"Hold it," said Pokemon Yellow version. "That ain't right, and I know it. My whole game's about Pikachu,"
"My text is way different, and I ain't taking no for an answer,"
Pokemon Yellow version's text is...
It keeps its tail raised to monitor its surroundings. If you yank its tail, it'll try and bite you.
So, depending on which version you've got, either none are right or Jungle Pika is right.
Send all flames, bombs, viruses, and anything else bad to...
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Send all Pokemon cards, game boys and/or games, money, and anything else good to...
see ya Pojo and/or all these readers.
From Ben on 1-31-00