Clefairy is used incorrectly all the time. Certain people play 4 of him in a deck. This is way too much, as he has low HP and is gusted out and killed by Hitmonchan (or lots of other pokemon). Clefairy's strength is obviously his metronome. This move is amazing. He kills Zapdos, Ninetails, Mewtwo, and Kadabra in one shot! He can be incredibly strong if used correctly. The correct way to play Clefairy is to have usually 1 or 2 in a deck. NEVER PLAY CLEFAIRY ON THE BENCH UNLUSS YOU ARE ABOUT TO USE HIS METRONOME! This is SO important. I find that Haymaker decks LOVE to gust him out and rip him apart with Hitmonchan. However, despite this weakness, he is a great card. I have found myself many times watching my opponent pumping up his Zapdos, and my demise looked imminent. However, I look in my hand to find the Clefairy that has been sitting there for 8 turns! I put him on the bench and 2 turns later, when the monster Zapdos kills my Electabuzz, I bring out Clefairy and Metronome his Thunderbolt (without discarding all of the energy) and kill his Zapdos, with a Clefairy! I have won several games with Clefairy. Just remember the CLEFAIRY RULE: NEVER PLAY CLEFAIRY ON THE BENCH UNLESS YOU ARE ABOUT TO USE HIS METRONOME. Good luck with Clefairy!!!!