Ok,Everybody says he's one of the best,Not!!! Reasons why: (1.)He's slow.It'd take at least three turns to get him out.And even If u use breeder,the fossil mew coming out will de-evolve him and an areodactyle which is compadable with any deck he could be fighting,Will stop the evolution that charizard needs to get out! (2.)One word MIME,nuff said. (3.)Energy removal and super-energy-removal will leave charizard crying lava when his precious double colorless are discarded (4.)and his damage?Did anyone ever think of defenders?If your opponent knows u have charizards in your deck,i'd think he/she will think of keeping defenders to counter it.At least two will keep any pokemon with 100 hp in there. (5.)I'll just say,A good player will either kill charmander/charmeleon beofer u get out charizard and/or use all of the above to your dis-advantrage and thier advantage. Hands down,Charizard sucks.