
Subject: The Dragon Deck by Nate


Total(60 cards)



23 Mountains



1 Dragon Roost

1 Burning Sand

2 Aether Flash

1 Repercussion



3 Dragon Whelps

1 Lightning Dragon

1 Chivan Dragon

1 Kilnmouth Dragon


Direct Damage

4 Shock

4 Incinerate

3 Flame Burst

4 Firebolt

2 Lightning Bolt

2 Fireball

3 Earthquake

2 Seal of Fire

2 Shower of Coals.


As you can see there is a huge amount of direct damage. This is to stop your opponent from getting a massive army before any dragons can make an appearance. With the enchantments out(aether flash) no small creatures are safe. There goes any elf/goblin/cleric/wizard decks. The direct damage is not necessarily only for creatures, you may end up using tons of it on the player, but it is mainly to stop the opponent from attacking while you may be undefended. If you can get burning sands out early then your opponent will be very hesitent to even play creatures. None of your direct damage or enchantments should hurt you if you play them right. The earthquakes dont affect the dragons, and once you get those dragons out it is pounding time. The dragons are pumpable for maximum damage. This is a fun deck and only sees problems with good counter decks or discard decks(two of the rarest to see and build). Try it out, the dragons and damage spells are easily replaced by more common(and less expensive) ones.


Nate Turner    d_nate@hotmail.com